Chapter 1

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Haru's POV

I dropped my eye glasses on the counter out of anger- I let out a grunt of anger- a loud grunt which makes Ji-Hu came in my view "is everything ok?" she asks

"no!" I yelled in an instant stressing out about my essay problem "I can't think of one thing I can right about in this God-forsaken-world!" I say throwing myself on the couch I was working on

Ji-Hu laughs striding towards me; she sat down throwing a comforting arm around me Ji-Hu pulls me close "don't be dramatic Haru, I'm sure you can find something interesting to write about- when is it due?" she asks

"in 2 weeks... I think" I say getting out from Ji-Hu's hold; I stood up "even if I found a perfect essay about the most beautiful moment in my life!, I don't think I can write that fast" I say

"chill out Haru, just give it time- I promise I think you'll find a reason in the next 24 hours; just be patient" Ji-Hu advises

I nodded my head agreeing and believing I can find the perfect topic


The next Morning

"are you still moping in bed?" Ji-Hu asks coming in my room putting her earrings on

"I'd rather stay in here than go to class today" I said burying myself onto my pillows

I hear her sigh "alright, I guess I'm giving you a pass- but when I get back with homework to do you better answer it for me oh and we need to talk tonight... I have something to say- its important" she says closing my bedroom door

what would we talk about that its so important? Is she pregnant? no! don't jump to conclusions Haru that's insane- I mean yes Ji-Hu has a boyfriend... which I hadn't met yet, I'm sure that's it! she wants me to introduce me to her boyfriend! They've been dating for a while now and I couldn't be happier for my friend- but I still get jealous of relationships- especially Ji-Hu's relationship with her boyfriend

I shook of the thoughts as I sit up from my bed- enough Haru! I need to figure out what to write about for this freaking essay my professor wants in 2 weeks! and she gave that assignment like 6 days ago and I haven't even started yet. The assignment was to write 'The most Beautiful Moment in my Life' and I haven't had a train of thought; the more I think about my memories since the day I was born I don't some of them are worth writing about, I again groan loudly out of frustrating sigh- I'm never gonna find the right one...


after a few hours of thinking my ass off, I decided to get started with a none complicated memory that I personally like- as soon as I get started I hear the opening "are you finally starting?" Ji-Hu asks asking me while entering the room and as soon as she does I smell something delicious; I turn to look at her and saw bags from my favorite place "daebak! you got my favorites?" I ask immediately getting up from my seat and going towards her "wait why did you get these? you never get this from me unless- you want something or you want to tell me something important" I say taking the bags from her hands and putting it on the kitchen counter

"don't be angry at me" she says softly; I nodded my head softly motioning that she could continue "you know that I have a boyfriend right?..." she drags her words as I nodded "well.. um.. we decided to move in together" Ji-Hu says bowing her head "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before- I was just scared that you'd be angry at me for leaving you all alone" she says

I sighed chuckling at my friend "its all right, I knew this day would come- I guess you really like him huh?" I say and she shyly nodded "that's all right Ji-Hu I forgive you for not telling me sooner" I continued

she raises her head looking me dead in the eyes "you're so awesome Haru, this is why your my best friend" she paused for a moment "are you sure you want this?" she asks

"of course, even though I'm going to miss your cooking I am happy that you found a great boyfriend- and even though I haven't met him yet I hope his nice as you says he is" I say

Ji-Hu smiles "if you want I can help to search for a new roommate" she says

I thought about it- having a new roommate is weird but I guess I need someone to live with and help around here, I'm a collage senior and I'm graduating soon so I might need money for trips and all that "sure you can help- just find a girl roommate; you know I can't live with a guy even if this guy will be my boyfriend" I said firmly; yep if I'm gonna live with a guy it'll better be a future boyfriend because living with a guy who isn't a boyfriend is gonna be weird

Ji-Hu squealed as she puts her arms in the air out of excitement "alright you gotta deal Haru" she says enthusiasticly

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