Chapter 9

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3rd POV

its been a few days since Jin moved in with Haru and all is well; Haru is still working on her writing- sure she gets stuck but when she talks to Jin with her problems she immediately got a hold of herself and started to write again and they sometimes just eat together and talk. Seokjin is still working hard as an idol and the other members met Haru already and they love her

right now the BTS members are rehearsing for a performance and they were taking a break; all the members gathered to one side and they are talking about different things

"Jin hyung.." the youngest called out the oldest

"yes?" Jin says looking at Jungkook

"how is Haru?" Jungkook asked

"I think she's fine why?"

"I meant how is living with her?" Jungkook says

"oh! she's fine to live with- essentially she's not you guys" Jin says making the other members groan and scoff "she's always studying and sometimes just sleep in or watching TV so she's not messy to live with" he followed

the members looked at each other then at Jin "are you having a little crush on her?" Jimin asks

with that Jin scoffed "no" he said

"yeah hyung's right she's not her type" Namjoon says making the others laugh "hyung she's beautiful, hardworking, you said she can cook and you know she's above the legal age so you can totally date her" Namjoon followed

"Ji-Hu agreed that you can date her" Hobi says "I told her that you like her friend" Hobi says and Jin smacked Hobi on the arm making Hobi groan in pain

"that is not true!" Jin exclaimed

"that doesn't mean its not going to happen" Jimin said making the other members laugh out loud agreeing with him

while the members tease him; Ji-Hu was outside the room listening to the whole thing smiling at them, Ji-Hu smiles at the members really happy that they can tease the oldest and she can hope that Jin and Haru will make plans to date

meanwhile Haru is at the library studying with some of her classmates and friends "are we finished now? I wanna go home" Do-Hyun says clearly bored out of his mind

"then why did you come at all?' Cho-Hee says

"we're almost finish here" Do-Yoon says helping Haru

Cho-Hee and Do-Hyun looked at each other knowing that Do-Yoon has liked Haru since they started to hang out (mainly to study); Haru didn't know that Do-Yoon liked her- Do-Hyun and Cho-Hee didn't tell her so did Do-Yoon but after this study session he's going to tell her

"done!" Haru says enthusiastically "finally" she muttered "ok we can go home now" she said

Do-Hyun immediately gathered his things "thank you Haru" he says

as they gathered their things Cho-Hee and Do-Hyun talked about going home together; as Haru finished gathering her stuff she told the others that she's going to leave and they agreed but Do-Yoon said that he can walk her out and she agreed

Do-Yoon and Haru walked together in silence; as they got in front of the school gates Do-Yoon was ready but Haru phone rings "sorry" she says then checks her phone it said: Seokjin so she answered it "hello?" Haru answered

"Haru? hey are you home yet?" Jin asks his roommate

"um no not yet, are you home yet?" she asks

"no but we're almost done; how about we go home together? maybe we can eat?" Jin asks

Haru overthinks what he said 'did he just asked me out?' she thought but she shook her head "um.. yeah sure, I am really hungry; I can come there and wait for you to finish... is that ok?" she asks

"sure, it won't be long I promise" he says

Haru lets out a soft chuckle "ok then, I can take a cab to you" she says

"okay.. see you when you get here, be safe Haru" Jin says

she smiles "bye, see you soon too" she says before hanging up

Haru looks at Do-Yoon "I have to go now, today was great though" she says walking away "bye!" she shouts as she was already far away

Do-Yoon watched as Haru disappeared; he sighs thinking she had already have a boyfriend "so much for confessing" he says to himself


Haru got a cab to HYBE; a few hours ago she was tired but when Jin called she suddenly became more energetic than usual, she doesn't know why her mood change but deep down she knows why. A few minutes later the cab stops at the front of HYBE as she got out and paid Haru was excited all of a sudden- in Haru's defense she's never been here before, yes Haru lives with Jin but she didn't she'd visit for real.

Haru steps inside the building and she saw BTS' manager and he helped her find her way around the huge building; the closer she got to the dance studio she hears a lot of arguing/talking- essentially a lot of chaos in the room. BTS' manager left Haru by the door; as she was going to open she heard someone mention her name but she shrugs it off thinking as It was a mistake

she opens the door softly making the boys stop talking and looked a the door "Haru~" Jimin greets with a sweet voice and coming towards her giving her a quick hug

'he smells amazing' Haru thought as she hugs him back "hi.." Haru says shyly "was I interrupting?" she asks them as she was scanning the room and she noticed Jin wasn't here

the members shook their heads together "no" Hobi says

Haru sighs relieved all of a sudden "take a sit Haru..." Jimin says guiding her to a sofa- she sits between Jimin and Taehyung "Jin is taking his time, give him a few minutes" Taehyung

Haru nods "how did practice go?" she asks

"it was fine- tiring but fun" the leader answers "Jin said you were doing a project with others? did it went well?" Namjoon asks

"it was good, could've gone better but good nonetheless" Haru says

"and how about the writing competition thing?" Jungkook asks

Haru smiles gently when he asked "I'm still not finished but I think its good enough" she says

"can we read it when its finished?" Hobi asks and the other members were end of their seats as they wait for her answer

"I'm not really- I don't think you guys will like it" she says

"no! don't say that" Jimin says

"that's for us to decide If we don't like it" Yoongi says "can we at least have a sneak peak? at least a paragraph?" Yoongi pleads

as the other members stare at her with pleading eyes Haru sighs nodding; the members cheered loudly- as they cheered Jin comes in with a confused look on his face "what happened?" he asks

"I agreed on treating them if I win the writing competition" Haru answers before the others

the members didn't protest and just went with it "yeah what she said" Jungkook says as Jimin and Taehyung chuckled silently at the maknae's reaction

"anyway we can go now" Jin says moving on quickly

Haru nodded "okay" she muttered "bye guys" Haru said

Haru got up from her sit as she grabs her stuff and coming to Jin's side "alright we're going now; good bye and good night" Jin says to his band members

Jin made Haru go out first; as Jin was walking out the door he turns back at the members and Jin saw them making kissy faces as he goes out- Jin rolled his eyes before going out the door

"are you okay?" Haru asks

"I'm fine- annoyed but fine" he says "shall we?" he asks and Haru nodded making their way out of the building

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