Chapter 3

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"its been days Ji-Hu and you've completely moved in with your boyfriend and I'm still roommate free!" I say walking with Ji-Hu at the university hallways. Today is the submission of the essay and I can't help to feel nervous about the thing I wrote

"I'm sorry Haru, its hard when your preference on the roommate is a girl, you know they are some nice guys who'd become roommates with you" she reasons

I sighed "can you just tell me that you didn't find me a roommate because you'd rather let me live alone than have a roommate" I say and she shook her head

"I promise I'll find someone- I'll come by the end of the day and that's a promise" she says and I nodded trusting her "are you ready to pass the essay?" Ji-Hu asks changing the subject

I sighed nervously "yeah... kinda ready" I say

she scoffs sarcastically "please I read it and its amazing, just trust yourself okay?" Ji-Hu says giving me the confidence

I chuckled at my friend who desperately makes me feel happy and satisfied with my life and all she has to do is make me smile, have remarks and advises to do so


its 7 and I'm still at the university library doing the last of my homework; its going good as I'm totally feeling that the homework easy enough to do alone. I was currently skimming a book when I felt a presence on my shoulder I jump from surprise; I look at who it is and it was Ji-Hu smiling like a idiot "I have news that you're going to love" she immediately says as she sat down across from me

"yeah and what's that?" I asked closing the book

"I found another candidate for your new roommate" Ji-hu says enthusiastically proud of herself

I immediately lit up with joy "jinja?" I say "tell me" I say

"well... this person is very busy all the time but the job is pretty hard, tall, cute, really enthusiastic but I think that's great, good work, have a truck load of jokes and- and you know all nice, not the drama type, doesn't seek much attention.... sometimes but I think you'll like this person" she says kinda nervously but I overlooked that

"sounds great!" I say very happy "you're the best Ji-Hu" I say giving her a thumbs up "did she agree to be roommates with me?" I asked and as soon as I did she freezes "so what's her name?" I asked; Ji-Hu froze again but came back to earth

"Kim Yo-Jin" she says looking at me nervously

"Kim Yo-Jin?" I repeated what Ji-Hu said "sounds cute" I say and she chuckles nervously

"yeah I know right? just call her Jin- she doesn't really like her full name" Ji-Hu says

I nodded my head excitingly "so did she agree to be roommates?" I asked and Ji-Hu nodded "that's great, give me her number-"

"no!" she shouts cutting me off "I-I mean its ok I can tell her the details for you" Ji-Hu says

I was noticing Ji-Hu's behavior since she sat down and it was pretty weird and awkward "umm ok then, I guess I can trust you with this; I'll write down the details and give it to you tomorrow" I say brushing Ji-Hu's behavior aside; she nods her head listening to me

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