Chapter 20

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3rd POV

as Haru and Ji-Hu were at the birthday party Jin and the other members were just hanging out at their own apartment- even though Jin doesn't live there anymore; the members were doing there own things but Hobi wondered what his girlfriend is since a few minutes ago he sent her a message but didn't get a reply so Hobi decided to ask Jin for help

as the two boys were alone in the kitchen Hobi asks and of course Jin complies; Jin dials Haru's number and she answered and Jin immediately hear music in the background "hello? Haru? are you at a club with Ji-Hu? why is it so loud?" he asks

"oh you haven't seen the note yet" Haru yells over the loud music that is playing in the house

"what-what note?" Jin asks

"I'm at a birthday party with Ji-Hu right now and we're having fun actually" she says in return

"where?" Jin asks

"I can tell you but maybe I won't-- listen Seokjin if I do need you to come and get us I will call you I promise" Haru says

"when are you coming home then?" he asks

"maybe late Seokjin- gotta go bye~bye" Haru says in a high pitch voice then hanging up the phone

Jin thought Haru is drunk but he thinks she is having fun and that thought actually made him smile "what's wrong?" Hobi asks his hyung

Jin nodded "they are at a birthday party- their together; she'll call me if something happened" Jin explains

Hobi sighs in relief "thanks; their not drunk right?" Hobi asks

"I don't know for sure but I feel like no their not that drunk" Jin says reassuring his friend


meanwhile at the party the girls were talking to Cho-Hee; she asked who called Haru but Ji-Hu covered her friend and said it was just her roommate, the entire campus knows that Ji-Hu was looking for a new roommate for Haru and one of those person was Cho-Hee

"oh you finally found a roommate? who?" she asks Haru

"just a girl; she's older than me and I liked her" Haru says

Cho-Hee was not convinced that Haru found a girl roommate so she keeps asking all kinds of qestions but Ji-Hu and Haru came up with answers so quickly that eventually Cho-hee didn't doubt anymore. A few hours later it was already midnight and the two friends argued whether they would go home; Ji-Hu wanted to stay for a bit more but as for Haru she wanted to leave and go to sleep

"c'mon please you had a lot of drinks-"

"so have you!" Ji-Hu interrupts

"I had at least 6 cups you had more than I did; so lets go home please, I'm tired" Haru groans

"is everything ok?" a guy approaches the two

"its nothing Jung-Hoon" Ji-Hu says

Jung-Hoon was the of guy who just can't get the answer 'no' and keeps pushing until the girl says 'yes' "are you sure? I think I'm about to leave to so maybe I can take Haru home for you Ji-Hu" Jung-Hoon suggests

Ji-Hu and Haru looked at each other "you know what sure; but Haru denies we go home together" Ji-Hu says

Haru thought about it "um, Ji-Hu if you don't want to go home that's fine... I guess; I can go home first and you can ask Cho-Hee if you can stay for just tonight deal?" Haru suggests and Ji-Hu nodded "call me when you get home Ji-Hu" Haru says as she gave her friend a hug "are you gonna be okay?" Ji-Hu whispers Haru pulled away from the hug and nodded

Haru looked at Jung-Hoon with a nod "lets go" with that statement Jung-Hoon lead the way for Haru and when they arrived at his car Haru hesitates but ultimately gets in with Jung-Hoon. Haru told her address and they drove; Jung-Hoon was trying to flirt with her but she just ignored him. As they arrived at the apartment building Jung-Hoon offered to walk her up and she denies but he kept pushing and out of annoyance she said yes

they walk in the building and inside the elevator; Haru was uncomfortable because he kept checking her up and down, once the elevator dinged she got off and Jung-Hoon followed close behind; Haru stood at the front of her door "tha-thank you for the ride Jung-Hoon" Haru says smiling awkwardly

"you are so welcome Haru" he said stepping closer

"I should go in now, good night" she was about to go in but he pulled her arm stopping

"wait, you should thank me first" Jung-Hoon says smirking as he lets go of her arm

"I did say thank you to you" Haru says

"I meant in another way Haru" he paused stepping a little bit closer to her "I have the biggest crush on you-"

Haru stopped him with a hand in his face "stop..." she says "I have a boyfriend Jung-Hoon" Haru says

"so? don't you like me?" he asked

"I don't even know you; so good night" Haru says

she was about to open the door but he pulled her away again; now he had his arms around her waist and Haru was trying her best to get pull away but no luck. Jung-Hoon kept pulling her into a kiss but Haru keeps dodging "stop!" she yells

as her efforts for making him stop he kept trying not until the door opens wide "she said stop" a familiar voice says

Haru turned her head and it was Jin "Seokjin.." she says softly

Jung-Hoon lets go of Haru and immediately Haru came to Jin's side "when she said goodnight, that's the part where you leave" Jin says firmly eyeing Jung-Hoon "so goodnight" he says

Jung-Hoon scoffs then turns away and leaves as soon as he was out of view the two roommates came inside the apartment and they walked to the living room without saying a word not until Jin turned to Haru "I thought you'd be with Ji-Hu" he says

"well.. she- she was um" Haru stumbled her words

"what?!" Jin raises his voice a little

Haru flinched at the sudden burst "she wanted to stay but I wanted to leave and Jung-Hoon offered me a ride since he was going home too" Haru explained "I'm sorry Seokjin" Haru was trying her best to contain her tears

Jin sighed pulling her into a hug "I was just worried, I'm sorry for raising my voice" he said as he caressed her head softly

Haru pulled away "are you okay?" Jin asked and she nodded

"thank you" she said

"the next time this happened you call me and me only, got it?" Jin says

"okay I promise" Haru says smiling softly

Jin smiled back and noticed her get up "since when do you dress like this?" he asked looking up and down at her

Haru blushed "just today, Ji-Hu kinda pushed me" she says

"don't let her do this again because I want to be the one that you should getting dressed up for okay?" Jin says and she nodded "even though I like it" Jin continued still looking at her with aw

"I should change now" she says walking away but Jin pulled her back

"give me a kiss first" Jin requested

Haru was surprised at his request "what?" she questioned

Jin didn't say anything he just waited for Haru "um.." she muttered "Seok-" Haru was cut off by Jin's lips hitting her own

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