Chapter 7

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3rd POV

Jin sighed as he carried his bag inside the elevator of the apartment building; it was around 1 am and he finally made it home Seokjin was so tired he can fall asleep in the elevator. The elevator came into a stop at the right moment when he was closing his eyes; he got out carrying his bag, Jin walked down the hallway and when finally made It to his front door he immediately opened it without hesitation. as he opened the door he noticed that the lights was still open 'is she home?' Seokjin thought wondering if Haru was home; when he got into the living room he immediately saw Haru peacefully sleeping on the couch. Jin puts his bag down by the coffee table and then crouches against the couch; he faces Haru sleeping face 'did she wait for me?' Jin asks himself

"Haru.." he says softly shaking her but that doesn't work Haru just groans in response which Jin just chuckled to her response

Jin sighs as he gave up waking her up; he decides to carry to her room so she can sleep better; Jin slides an arm around her waist and one to her thighs so he can carry her bridal style- Jin walked to her room and carefully placed her in her own bed; Jin placed a blanket against her body, as he puts the blanket he sat down on the edge of her bed looking at her

"yeppeun (pretty)" Jin muttered before walking out of her room


Haru's POV (Next Morning)

I woke up by a heavenly smell, I sat up realizing I was on my bed 'did I sleep walk?' I thought confused before getting out of the bed then walking to the delicious smell that is coming from the kitchen; I got there and saw the sight that really shocked me: Seokjin cooking 'he could be a character in a K-drama' I thought "good morning" I muttered

he looks at me with a grin "morning, how did you sleep?" he asks

"I-uh I slept just fine; how did you sleep?" I asked as I took a sit on the dining table

I saw him smile faintly before he comes towards me and gives me a plate of what I can see eggs and toast 'how is it that it smells good?' I thought "t-thank you" I muttered

"I slept great" Seokjin paused "by the way, did you meet my friends last night?" Seokjin asks

I nodded taking a bite of the toast "yeah, they had dinner here... with me" I say mumbling with the food in my mouth

"did they persuade you to take me as a roommate?" he asks

"actually I agreed on my own" I said

"you decided that yesterday?" Seokjin said confused

"I didn't think I let you stay, since you're friends with my friend I think it'll be good for me and Ji-Hu that we get to know each other" I paused "and I needed a roommate and your better than anyone that she picked for me for this past few days- and they were a lot... like a lot" I rambled "so here's the deal, I kinda don't want to live with a guy so if find a girl roommate you'd better leave- and I mean that respectfully" I said

Seokjin listen as I explained "okay, you have a deal but..." he paused

"but what?" I asked

"but if you don't find another roommate I get to stay?" he asks

I sighed then nodded "yes, you may stay..... I guess" I muttered

"yay! you know I'm a fun roommate" Seokjin said with a enthusiastic smile on face

I scoffed silently "then why aren't you living with the others?" I asked

Seokjin clears his throat "I kind of made a mistake so you know... I don't want to tell you the reason" he says "are you going to school?" he asks

I shook my head "I'm just gonna stay home, besides I don't have a class today" I said "what about you? are you going somewhere?" I asked

he just shrugs "I'm going to wash up; can you wash the dishes?" Seokjin asks and I nodded "sure" I said simply

before Seokjin walked out of the kitchen he turns to me "thank you for waiting for me last night" he says with a bright smile "you look very cute when you're snoring" he says before running off the bathroom

I gasped "I do not snore!" I yelled

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