Chapter 13

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3rd POV

"Namjoon! again really?" Jin yelled at Namjoon

the boys were getting to leave and go back to Korea but someone had lost there passport (yes Namjoon lost his) so now the members and the other staff is looking for it "how can you lose it? we reminded it to you last night so we can leave quickly" Yoongi says scolding Namjoon

"I'm sorry, me, Jungkook and Taehyung had a couple of drinks last night- I guess It slip out of my mind" Namjoon says trying to make things better

"don't bring us to this" Jungkook says

"everybody! jus stop fighting and look for it okay!" Jin yelled to make them quiet and they did

after of looking around and kept blaming each other they still didn't find it so their manager decided to let them stay for one more day giving them time to find Namjoon's passport; essentially everybody were angry and ticked off by the announcement but just sighs and carried on. The members returned to their rooms still gloomy but nonetheless hopeful they can find it

on the other hand when J-Hope texted Ji-Hu the current situation she was sad and a bit angry at a certain someone, so Ji-Hu went to Haru giving her the news and Haru was a sad too; she was looking forward to see her friend and roommate again

Haru was still waiting on the results on the writing competition; she was disheartened as the time passes but luckily Ji-Hu was there to support her friend. They decided to pass the time by drinking to forget hard situations right now- its been a couple of minutes since they started drinking and both of them were already tipsy

"do you think they found Namjoon's passport by now?" Ji-Hu slurs a little bit

Haru shrugs before answering "I don't know- oooh you can call your boyfriend and ask?" Haru says happily

Ji-Hu nodded enthusiastically grabbing her phone of the coffee table dialing Hobi's number; Ji-Hu waited until he answers but he didn't so she decided to leave a message "ya! Hoseok~ah why don't you answer the phone? me- your girlfriend Is waiting for your call to say that you guys found Namjoon's pass-passport *looks at clock* are you asleep? maybe you are- ok when you open this message I won't probably remember this phone call but! if you find me annoying then tell me so I can apologize to you- oh and I hope you come back soon! I miss you sooo much! salanghaeyo! oh hey this Is the first time I said salanghaeyo; its so weird but I mean it so when you get back say it back okay?.... anyway I'm going to go now and drink some more... maybe; bye!" Ji-Hu says joyfully hanging up on the phone

Ji-Hu looks at Haru "you think he'll say It back? or do you think I screwed it up?" she asks suddenly becoming nervous

Haru pulls Ji-Hu to a hug "no, if don't- didn't love you then I'm going to have to hurt him.... very painfully" Haru says

they pull away from the hug "aww you're going to do that for me?" Ji-Hu asks and Haru nodded "but please don't do that, I wanna keep him forever" Ji-Hu says

"you do?" Haru asks and her friend nodded "ok then.. I wont hurt him but if you get married better be worth it alright?" Haru says and Ji-Hu enthusiastically nodded


after a lot of soju bottles Ji-Hu went to sleep on the couch and Haru was washing her face hoping it will sober her up but nope it didn't so she just went to her bedroom; as she walked to her bedroom she passed Jin's room and wither drunken state she didn't hesitate to go inside. As Haru entered she immediately smelled Jin's scent and it was heaven to smell, she closed the door softly as she scanned the room

'it was relatively normal for an idol' she thought; the walls were dark, the floor was covered with laundry and she chuckled upon seeing it, the bed was in the middle of the room and It was made. This is the first time she went to his room suddenly her phone rings making her jump from shock; Haru sat of the bed answering the phone

"hello?" Haru slurs a little

"Haru? are you ok?" Haru hears Jin's voice on the other side

"Seokjin? is this you?" she asks laying on her back making her fall into his bed "ironic that you called me when I'm in your bed- oh is that weird?" Haru says

"no, I just called because Hobi got a message of Ji-Hu- were you drinking?" Jin asks

"oh yeah- did Hobi hear her say-"

"yes and he kinda worried and happy about it; but are you guys still drinking?" Jin asks

"nope!" Haru paused "did you just call to ask that?" she asks

Jin clears his throat "maybe" he answers

"aww so sweet, thank you for calling me, I feel more reassured now that you called me" Haru says

"what- what do you mean?" Jin asks

"oh nothing- maybe Ji-Hu was right" Haru paused again swallowing her spit "say Seokjin... if I asked you out on a date; what you say?" Haru asked

Jin was bewildered by the question and it made think for a second "I'm going to hang up now Haru" Jin says

"hey you didn't answer my question?" Haru pouts her lips

"I don't think you'd want my answer; good night Haru" Jin says before hanging up

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