Chapter 10

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as Seokjin and I went out of the building and immediately went to his car; we chose a restaurant that wasn't to crowded, and as we sat down and ate we quickly ask what each others day went. Seokjin's day was super busy I know he's an idol and all but woah! he works hard- and of course the other members too. I can tell that his exhausted from the day he had but he puts on a brave face acting like he's not tired. We were at the restaurant for a while when we decided to leave and went for a night drive; I offered to drive but he insisted on doing so. When we got inside the car I offered again that I can drive but again Seokjin declined my offer

we were driving for a at least an hour and when I saw a small playground I suggested we can take a break and play for a little while and Seokjin agreed.

"why do want to play now? its in the middle of the night" Seokjin says removing his seatbelt and stepping off the car

I huffed as I got out of the car "you agreed" I said closing the car door

"yes I agreed because you asked politely.. but seriously?" he says

"what? I love playgrounds" I said running to the slide

I hear Seokjin scoffed as I went for the slide "I know you're in college but..."

"but nothing! playgrounds makes me feel young again so judge all you want grandpa" I said climbing the slide

"grandpa? ya! who you calling grandpa? I'm not that old you know" Seokjin says standing at the end of the slide

"whatever" I said sliding and when I got to the end I hit Seokjin making him fall with me

I was laughing my ass off seeing him so scared "ya! don't laugh" he says

we were feet apart and we were laying down on the pavement "I'm s-sorry but y-you were the one was standing he-here" I said between laughs

Seokjin stands up brushing his clothes; he was over to me still laughing gives me a hand "stop laughing and stand up" he says

I look up at him and stopped laughing I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up; as he did I bumped into his chest making me stop thinking about everything except the fact that whoa! it was hard. I became flustered and I let go of his hand and went to the swings; I sat down silently still laughing at Seokjin

I hear soft footsteps coming towards so I look up to see Seokjin sitting down to the other swing seat "I hear you still laughing" he says

I grinned at him "I'm sorry Seokjin" I said sincerely not cracking a laugh

"why do you call me that?" Seokjin asks

I look at him my eyebrows furrowed "call you what?" I asked

"Seokjin.. you never call me Jin- everybody call me Jin.. maybe not everybody but still.." he drags his words

"oh.. I actually don't know why I call you that but if it bothers you I won't call you that anymore-"

"I didn't say you should stop, I just asked why do you call me by my full name" he says cutting me off

"well I call you that because I think you need a normalcy in your life- you being an idol sometimes makes me nervous because I feel like I'm going to disrupt your life as an idol; I call you 'Seokjin' because I don't want to get to know the idol part of you.. I want to know the real Kim Seokjin- the one who loves to cook and make jokes... does make sense?" I asked ending my ramble

instead of answering he pulls my swing seat closer to him giving me a hug in the process "thank you Haru" he says as he gives me a tight hug

I didn't know what to do for a few seconds but I ultimately hug him back "I didn't do anything though... but you're welcome" I muttered

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