Chapter 11

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3rd POV

a couple of days pass by and the time has come where Haru needs to finish her work for the writing competition, she stayed home to finish it and it was going well; Seokjin was currently away so Haru was alone at the apartment luckily Ji-Hu visited once in a while to give her support; Jin and Haru sometime call each other and talk, she found it relaxing once she sees/hears Jin (even inside a phone). When the day came for the submission Haru was nervous to give it to her teacher but Ji-Hu nock some sense into her friend so ultimately Haru submitted her work and Ji-Hu was excited for Haru.

right now the girls were eating (Ji-Hu is paying) and they were talking about the boys returning in a couple days; so naturally Ji-Hu can't wait to see her boyfriend again

"so you think he'll come and see me when they land?" Ji-Hu asked wondering if Hoseok will come straight to Ji-Hu

"this is not a k-drama Ji-Hu but maybe, I'm rooting for your fantasy" Haru says being supporting to her friend

Ji-Hu huffed for a second but ultimately stopped suddenly smirking at Haru "so you and Jin.." Ji-Hu drags her words

Haru scoffed at Ji-Hu "there is no me and Jin okay?" she says pointing a finger at Ji-Hu

Ji-Hu nods her head sarcastically "sure.. you think I don't know what's going on between you and him?" she says

again Haru scoffs "like I said nothing is going on" Haru says

"don't do this to yourself Haru, trust me ok? I know when your liking someone or at least flirt with someone" Ji-Hu says

"and that someone is Seokjin?" Haru says to her friend

Ji-Hu nods her head "yes"

"me and him don't flirt" Haru says

"please! you do it so naturally like it was no big deal" Ji-Hu says

Haru scoffs and shrugs "maybe I do that all the time" she says

Ji-Hu gives her friend a sarcastic look "no you don't, I told you it was a great idea that Jin stayed with you- Haru... you said you'd find a girl roommate but you didn't gather anyone; and don't make an excuse that you were busy because you had a lot of opportunity to take someone- I heard someone asks if they can live with you but you turned it down- and why is that?" she gives her friend a sassy look

"I didn't say yes because she was obnoxious; she didn't know my name she just called me by your name-"

"that can happen" Ji-Hu says cutting her off

"yes I know but we were seatmates for at a few months- the point is I don't want to live with some stranger that acts they own the house" Haru says

"Jin's a stranger" Ji-Hi commented

"was a stranger and he's friends with you so I would've met him either way" Haru says

"true" Ji-Hu muttered

"why are we talking about this again?" Haru asks "Ji-Hu.. I don't like Seokjin like that- do I think he's attractive? yes, yes I do but that doesn't mean I'd want to date him" Haru says

"have you at least thought about it? for like a second? or at least a minute?" Ji-Hu asks

and Haru did thought about It- she still does but she doesn't think Jin would ask her to date her "to be honest yes... I thought about it and I think it would never work out" Haru says

"why don't you try? take a chance like you how you enter the writing competition" Ji-Hu paused "if you don't make choices like this you would never experience something amazing; sometimes you have to choose to be happy but if you don't want that then... what are you doing with you life?" Ji-Hu says finishing the lecture

Haru listened to her words and she was almost close of considering it but as Haru's stubbornness got in the way she change her mind

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