Chapter 16

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"when I called you last night you said if you would ask me out what would I say? and I totally changed the subject but I'm answering now- yes I would say yes" Seokjin says

"and what did you do?" Ji-Hu asks what happens next

"and nothing- I walked away so fast I don't think the flash would catch me" I said "did I really ask him out- without really asking him out?" I said banging my head on the table

"why would you run?" she asks

"I was caught of guard- I didn't know what to do" I said

Ji-Hu looks at me sarcastically "oh maybe you should have stayed and talked about it- or that thought didn't really hit you?" she says

"honestly it didn't" I said earning a slap on the arm from Ji-Hu

"don't give me that reason Haru" she says

"why not?" I ask

"because 2 days ago you just admitted that you like your roommate! which I called by the way" Ji-Hu says with a smile on her face

"yeah I did- and I didn't even know that until he told me that I asked him out!" I exclaim "how can I face him again?" I asked Ji-Hu

"ok now I'm blanking on the answer- sorry" she shrugs

I again bang my head on the table really questioning my life decisions


"thanks for helping me Haru- I really appreciate it" Do-Yoon says as we pack up our stuff

"oh no problem, I didn't have anything to do anyway" I said thinking 'and I didn't want to go home yet'

"how about dinner on me?" he asks

"yeah sure; I am hungry" I nod putting my bag over my shoulder

we headed out as soon as we picked up our things; we debated on what to eat; so, we decided on a restaurant near the park. As soon as we stepped in the restaurant and sat down we decided on what to get; we waited for a little while before the food was delivered to our table

"have you heard about the competition winner?" Do-Yoon asks

"no.. but I heard they posted it a few hours ago- I didn't get to look at it because I was talking to a friend" I said

"oh is that your boyfriend" he says and I choked on my water as I drank

"I-I'm sorry? I-I don't have a boyfriend" I said while thinking 'I mean not really anyway' "what makes you think I do have one?" I asked

"oh the phone call a few weeks ago? by the school, you seem really happy to hear his voice that day" Do-Yoon says

"oooh that... that was actually my roommate- he was out of Korea for a while but he just got back" I explained

"so he's no your-"

"no! I-I mean yeah- I mean no he's not mine- not like that but like a roommate-" I said stumbling on my words "am I making any sense?" I ask

Do-Yoon shook his head "but I know that you like him" he says

"based on what?" I asked

"based on how you talk about him" he answers "Haru, are you having trouble with expressing your feelings?" he asks and I nodded

"is weird that I don't think I've felt this way before" I said softly

Do-Yoon gives me a grin "everybody is that way- when you like them very much that you don't know how to act or talk to them but I know you'll be fine- you know why?" he asks me and I gestured him to continue "because your Haru- you can figure it out" he says


"thank you for dinner" I said to Do-Yoon as we got out of the restaurant

"no problem, I had fun with you- and that's without studying this time" he chuckles "good luck with the competition hope you win" he says going own his way

I wave at him as he walks away from "thanks!" I yell

I decided to take the bus since no cabs are passing by me- I waited for my stop and when it was mine I quickly got off the bus; I got inside the building and made myself to the elevator, I checked the time on my wrist watch and it was pass midnight already. I wondered if Seokjin is still up- maybe his not awake

I sighed walking out the elevator and walking to the apartment room; I opened the door immediately meeting Seokjin wearing sweatpants and a black hoodie pacing back and forth at the living room- when I entered the room he immediately looks at me realizing a sigh

"where have you been?- I was worried that something happened to you- Haru! you could at least tell me where your going after school- w-why are you staring at me like that?" he asks

I was looking at him with a slight smile on my face "were you waiting for me to come home?" I asked and he nodded "you didn't h-"

"I wanted to wait for you; even if you came home the day after I would still wait for you to come home" Seokjin says cutting my words

I blush at his words "I actually want to talk to you" I said grabbing his hand and dragging him to the couch "okay first: I am sorry for bolting on you last night; you just caught me off guard- second: I am sorry for dumping all of that when I was drunk- and third were you serious about.... you know" I say

"to be honest: you intrigue me- ever since the day I met you.. you really intrigued me Haru" Seokjin paused "yes- I meant every word" he says seriously

the next thing that I'm about to say is going to change this whole thing "then let's date" I said

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