Chapter 25

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"c'mon Ji-Hu! open up!" I said knocking on the door

"yeah just a sec" she says

I hear her pacing back and forth- she's probably freaking out because its her wedding day, me as her best friend and yes not as her maid-of-honor trying to get the door open while Cho-Hee helping me too- yes Cho-Hee is the maid-of-honor; I was actually very mad about that but whatever

it has been 2 years since me and Seokjin started dating, me and Ji-Hu successfully graduated from university, I started working as a official writer in Korea; I wrote a bunch of books and they are fairly successful but that's fine I was writing and I was loving it and as for Ji-Hu she ended up being a designer. Seokjin is still an idol working hard, the other members still tease Seokjin about us and it was cute to watch

"Ji-Hu calm down and just open the door or-"

"or I have Namjoon get here and destroy the door" I cut Cho-Hee's sentence

suddenly the door opens revealing Ji-Hu wearing the most beautiful wedding dress ever; me and Cho-Hee look at each other then back Ji-Hu at awe "what's wrong? the dress is beautiful" I said coming inside the door

Cho-Hee closed the door behind her "Haru's right, it is beautiful" she says

"I feel like I messed up choosing this one-"

"stop! you don't make mistakes when it comes to clothes especially your own wedding" I said cutting her off

"Ji-Hu.. Haru's right" Cho-Hee agrees

"really?" Ji-Hu asks and we both nodded

"all you have to do is look pretty and marry Hoseok- you don't have to worry about anything except that" I said

Ji-Hu sighs "alright I'm down now, thank you" she says smiling at us both

I left Cho-Hee and Ji-Hu in the room and went back to the reception with hopes that this wedding is going to be okay from now on


the ceremony started a few minutes and the two started to say their vows to each other; Ji-Hu was first and yes I helped a little bit on her vows

"Hoseok.. to be honest with myself I didn't know that I'll be here with my favorite idol and I'm marrying you! this is insane; when I first met you at a fan sign I didn't know that you'd ask me on a date, let alone you wanted my number that day. The first date we had was at a park.. it was dark and cold but it was perfect to me; it was electrifying to know that you like me just as much that I like you. I know that I'm no idol but I do what I can to make you happy as long as I'm your wife" she finishes and almost breaking into tears and know it was Hoseok's turn

"I was surprise that a beautiful girl like you even made your way to my life, when I saw you for the first time I couldn't wait to talk to you and when your turn came I smiled so brightly that I think I was brighter than the sun; when I heard you talk to me for the first time I almost melted on the sweetness on your voice. Yes, I'm an idol but and I have a tough life but I hope you understand that I want you to stay on my side even If it's hard to contain; don't give in to all the bad because I will be there to brighten your days; when I get home to our house I want to see you, when times are hard I want you to cheer me up, when going to sleep I want to see your face before I go to sleep and when I wake up in the morning I want to see your beautiful face. Just everyday of my life I want you to be there" Hoseok finishes his speech and I couldn't get tears in my eyes

as they finished the priest officially made them Mr. and Mrs. Jung Hoseok; all the guest was ecstatic for the new couple


a few hours at the wedding reception the guests are having fun and so was I

"I still can't believe Ji-Hu is married to J-Hope from BTS! I'm still jealous" Cho-Hee

"aww don't worry you'll meet someone too" I said and she scoffed

"oh please, you're already dating Seokjin another member of BTS- why can't I have one?" she says making me laugh

Cho-Hee walked away from still down "hey" someone says behind me

I turn and saw it was Seokjin "hi, you having fun?" I asked and he nodded

"what's wrong with Cho-Hee?" he asks

"oh, she's just jealous" I said

"with what?" Seokjin asked

"dating a BTS member" I paused "oh hey can you set her up with Namjoon- I feel like they would work" I said making him laugh nodding

"I will do what I can sure" he says

"I can't believe it" I mumble

"what?" he asks

"that Ji-Hu got to marry someone first- you know we made a packed we said we'd get married the same week but nope that didn't happen" I said

"do you want to get married now? I can buy a ring-"

"no! I mean not yet anyway, I wanna savor it with you- and its your decision if you ask me" I said

"okay, so if I ask now would you say yes?" Seokjin asked


"hmmp? that's it?" he says offended

"if you would ask now? I would say... I will answer you tomorrow because its Ji-Hu's day" I say and he chuckled "but if you asked me 3 years from now.. I would yes, what kind of person would say no to your face?" I said

Seokjin smiled at me "good because I think I'll make you wait for a couple more years before I ask you to marry" he says

"ya! that's not fair" I said

he snickers "you said you'd say yes even if I ask 3 years from now" he says twisting my words

"I did say that.." I mumble "fine I'll wait..." I said making him smile more "I love you" I said

"of course you do" Seokjin smirks

"Seokjin!" I yell

"I'm kidding- I love you too, you know that" he says pulling me into a kiss

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