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i had been texting félix all day since i got home. it felt amazing to have this boy take so much interest in getting to know me. maybe he wasn't as bad as everyone said.

however, i had forgotten all about my homework. so it was now 10pm and i was sitting at my desk doing geometry. just my luck.

i sent félix a picture of my worksheet, along with a text that read. "smh. cant believe i let you distract me from doing this all day."

after the text sent my phone died, i sighed "maybe it's for the best" i thought, picking up my pencil. "if he would've texted back i wouldnt have gotten anything done.

i put my phone on the charger and continued working.

my work went uninterrupted for about 15 minutes before i heard a knock on my trapdoor.

my face lit up once again, it had to be chat noir. he hadn't visited in a while and seeing him would be the perfect end to an already amazing day.


marinette ran up her ladder quickly unlocking the trapdoor. sitting back on her knees with a smile as the black cat dropped down onto her bed.

"kitty!" she squealed pulling him into a tight hug with so much force they fell backward. the cat now ontop of her as the bluenette squeezed his torso.

"sheesh, you really miss me that much mari?" he questioned while pulling away from the hug, hovering inches from her face.

"of course i did chat, it's been weeks. i thought you had forgotten about me" she pouted, looking up at him.

chat hated that he made her feel that way.

"i could never forget about you little lady" he reassured with a smile as he gently pecked her nose.

marinette looked up at him smiling, pulling him into another hug as she sat herself up. "so..chaton, what made you stop by?" she asked climbing down the ladder, making her way to her desk.

"oh nothing, i just missed you that's all." he said as he followed her, leaning down to rest his chin on the top of her head as she sat at her desk."

"oh come on kitty" marinette turned in her spinny chair to face him. "you always have a reason." she looked up at him.

"do i really have to have a reason to see my favorite girl?" the cat bent down to look into her eyes, being a flirt. as always.

marinette rolled her eyes. "the truth, chat noir." she said unimpressed as she turned her chair back around looking down at her worksheet.

"okay fine.. maybe i needed some advice, but it seems like you need some help of your own." he peered over her shoulder.

just then, marinettes phone turned on, she quickly dropped everything she was doing and checked her imessage app.

she read a text from félix from 15 minutes ago that said "i could help with that if you'd like." she smiled.

chat saw this, immediately getting jealous. "who's that?" he asked playing dumb.

marinette continued looking at her phone infront of her smiling, quite like the trance she was in earlier.

the black cat rolled his eyes, he snatched her phone out of her hand, throwing it to the couch that sat a couple feet away.

"hey!" marinette protested as he turned her chair around to face him. he bent down to meet her eye level, looking into them. "i said, who's that?"

"oh" marinette responded. "it's nobody" she said as she looked down.

"really? because it doesn't seem like it's a nobody princess" chat thought he was being funny using the pet name félix had made up for her, he thought it was funny to tease her.

however what he didn't know.. is it would cause a lot of confusion for sweet marinette down the road.

"princess?" marinettes eyes widened.

"mhm, something wrong?" chat questioned as he inched closer to her face. his eyes moving from her eyes to her lips.

"n-no it's just" marinette began to stutter as she struggled to keep her composure.

"i need something from you little lady.." chat whispered.

marinettes breath hitched, "and uhm-" she cleared her throat "w-what would that be..?" she looked the cat deep in his emerald eyes.

chat reached his arm behind marinette grabbing the pencil off her desk, pulling away from her face, he held it up to her eyes.

"just this" he said smiling at her "i'm gonna help you with your math homework."

marinette snapped out of her daze instantly. rolling her eyes, she snatched the pencil out of his hand and turned herself around.

she looked down at her worksheet. "thanks. but i'm fine someone already offered" she responded clearly annoyed.

"oh come on princess, you're not actually mad at me are you?" chat rested his head on her shoulder once again, his arms holding onto hers.

marinette shivered at the familiar nickname,  félix did text her 15 minutes ago.. he would've had plenty of time to get here.

was it possible he was her partner in black?

"no.. i'm not" she said as she began to fall deep into her thoughts.

"are you suree?" chat whispered, as marinette felt his breath on her neck.

marinette had too much on her mind, "actually chat i think i'll take you up on that offer, i am not feeling too well, i have to go and uh- restroom the use! i mean use the restroom be right back okay byeee.."

she fumbled her words as she stumbled down the trapdoor and stairs to the bathroom.

chat was left sitting in her room confused. but sat down on her chair anyways, doing her homework for her.


i ran to the bathroom, my mind a frenzy of emotions.

i closed the door behind me quickly, there was a lot of ways chat noir and félix were similar, and there were a lot of ways they weren't.

i was trying to figure out logically in my head what made sense and what didn't.

first of all, chat was in love with ladybug and félix slept with girls for the fun of it.

he could be doing it to distract himself, after all i do hurt his feelings a lot when i'm ladybug.

they have very similar looks, and both are massive flirts.

i felt electric around both of them.

if félix was chat.. i'd like him even more. chat has been there for me for as long as i can remember, plus i know his feelings for me would be true because of how often chat confesses his love to me as ladybug.

but if he wasn't.. would the way chat made me feel earlier be wrong ? i mean i was completely ready to kiss him, even though i'm pretty sure i'm falling for félix.

i paced back and forth in the bathroom for a good 10 minutes listing the reasons they're similar, the reasons they're different, and the pros and cons of both scenarios.

then i realized.. chat was still in my room.

"fuck!" i whisper shouted.

i ran out of the bathroom and up the stairs softly, careful not to wake my parents.

i opened the trap door and chat swiveled around in the chair. "welcome back little lady" he smiled.

i forced a smile back, as i was still in my head thinking.

i walked over to my desk uncomfortably, looking at the worksheet he had almost completed.

"i'm almost done mari, here take a seat" he said looking up at me as he gestured towards his lap.

... thoughts ?

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