The gardener who watched her grow

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Like a gardener to a bud, he took care of her. While her mother was gone, he stood in place as her caretaker. He fed her, showed her the knowledge tantamount to sunlight and spent time with her.

Like a gardener to a bud, he watched her bloom. He saw her slowly step out of her comfort zone, meet new friends, discover the world around her.

Like a gardener to a flower, he watched her grow. He watched as she bloomed brightly. How her prescence rivals all the most beautiful flowers in the Anemo Archon's garden. How her laughter filled the air with rose petals.

Like a gardener to a flower, he watched her start life anew. He saw her start a family of her own, shower them with the same affection he too, gave her. He saw her bring newer flowers into the world.

Like a gardener to a flower, he watched her wilt. He held her hand as her old, frail body lay in her bed. He watched her slip away until she was a strong flower no more.

But, like any gardener, he must not stick to what was wilted. After all, she left behind plenty of buds for him to take care of.

Life is like a garden, Albedo thinks. And to him, Klee was its most gorgeous.


This is mostly a test for me to get to know how to use simile/metaphors to set a mood and I think I did a pretty good job😁)

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