Halloween Movie Night(xiaobedo)

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(I don't celebrate halloween but I need to milk to opportunity to make some much needed xbd fluff
Also, the movie is completely made up)



Spooky season.

Somehow, Xiao got dragged into whatever ordeal Albedo's family was doing. Klee decided to have a halloween sleepover party at her house and invited Qiqi. Naturally, as Qiqi's older brother, he had to go too. The two children were dressed in overly decorated costumes. Klee was an elf, Qiqi was a jiangshi. Alice had tried to pursuade him and Albedo to wear matching vegetable costumes but they politely declined. Mostly because the idea of them, men in their early 20's, dressing up as a carrot and a broccoli was absolutely ridiculous.

However, not wanting to disappoint the youngens, the two men decided to sport their "creepiest"(as rated by Klee) casual outfits.

Albedo sported a white heavy metal band jacket with a blue t-shirt that had flower motifs underneath and blue sweatpants.

Xiao on the other hand wore a black sweater that had bird motifs, black jogging pants with green Liyuen symbolism(his father gifted it to him after his band debuted) and a green facemask that had his yaksha symbol.

They didn't know exactly know why Klee found these outfits scary but whatever. Maybe it was the band on Albedo's jacket and Xiao's mask? Who knows.

"Big brother! We're ready!" Klee says happily. "Gege... I'm... excited!" Qiqi's eyes light up. Xiao chuckles a bit. This was Qiqi's first time trick-or-treating.


Ugh too much candy.

They had to remind the kids not to eat all the candy in one go. "Klee, Qiqi, time to go to sleep." Albedo guided the two tired children up to Klee's room. "No... it's only 9 o'clock...." Klee yawned. "C'mon now. If you sleep early, you'll grow faster. And you always said you wanted to be as tall as Kaeya, right?" Albedo picks up his sister and carries her to bed, Xiao followed suit.


"Well, now that those two are tucked in and asleep, what now?" Xiao asked, helping Alice clean up the mess they had left. "Kaeya has been talking about this scary movie he saw at work lately. Apparently it's really good?" Albedo shrugged. "Sounds like a plan. I'm in." Xiao agreed. "Alright you two, enjoy your movie. I'm gonna go to bed myself now, make sure not to scream too loud." Alice teased.

Albedo went to the living room with a bowl of popcorn and several bags of chips. "What's it called again?" Xiao asked, leaning further into the couch. "I think it was 'Abyss'? I heard it was inspired by the infamous Khaenri'ah massacres and hauntings." the alchemist answered, turning the television on.


Damn Kaeya was right. Albedo came from Khaenri'ah before he was adopted so he was absolutely shaken, seeing a movie based off of the most horrific scenes of his childhood. He was shaking in his boots and sweating, clinging onto Xiao for some sort of comfort. Xiao on the other hand stared wide-eyed at how realistic it was.

"...You okay? We can turn it off if you want. It's almost over anyway but..." Xiao looked at his partner, who was shaking. Albedo meekly nodded.

"Yeah I'm never touching that movie again." Albedo shuddered, wrapping himself with a blanket. "That shit was terrifying."

That said a lot. Albedo was not easily scared.

"We can watch Barney if that makes you happy." "Hey, now you're just mocking me!"

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