this is a prompt(chibedo)

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Dottore makes Childe search for the "perfect being" so he can conduct some experiments.

He searches far and wide before reaching Dragonspine and is greeted by a very defensive Albedo. Eventually, they both start talking to each other until a friendship forms.

At this point, Childe still doesn't know that Albedo was the one he was searching for.

Okay imagine Albedo getting some time off work and Childe invites him to Snezhnaya. Dottore catches wind of this.

He doesn't tell Childe as he won't let this opportunity slip pass. I mean, Albedo unknowingly just handed himself over on a silver platter.

Then there's news of a fight and kidnapping that happened around where Childe lives. Coincidentally, Albedo happens to be missing.

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