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Last time we seen Macy she just had a brain surgery. When her heart stopped not knowing if she would make it. Now it's been 2 months and she's in a coma. Will she wake up or not?

Mayas POV
It's been 2 months and Macy still hasn't woke up. When she got out of surgery Amelia came to me and Carina and told us that she had lost her heartbeat and it was stopped for almost 30 minutes and then started back which was a surprise to everyone in the OR and to Carina and I. I was so happy that Macy was okay I hate that she's not awake yet but maybe she will soon.

Macys POV (in coma)
I open my eyes to see the fire station. But no one is here. It's just me. I hear someone talk but can't see anyone I walk into the station "hello?" I say "anyone there?" I asked I didn't hear an answer.
Then I hear the voice again "Bean I don't know if you can hear me or not but I really hope you can okay. I know it's hard to fight and it's been hard but I need you to fight okay. Please Bean please fight. I can't lose you..." I hear moms voice "Mom!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs to the beanery looking all over the place for her. I couldn't find her.  A little while later I was hanging out in the lounge and hear a voice again not the same one but one I knew " hey Mac I just want you to know I love you so much and I'll be here waiting for you when you wake up no matter how long it takes. Mac I miss you. I miss your voice, you eyes, your laugh. I miss it all so please wake up please come back to me. I love you babe." I got to get back to her "Em? Baby?" I say I get up looking around again. Where am I? What is this place? Why can I hear them but not see them? How do I get back to them? All these questions in my head. What now???
As I walk through the station looking at pictures I see pictures of me with the whole team. I come to one picture of me and mom when I was little before I new she was my mom when I was allowed to see her at work. I had her turnouts on and there was a note on the bottom
*Bishop and little Bishop fire sisters *
I have seen this picture before and when I found out that she was my mom we changed it to
* like mother like daughter Bishops*
I thought it was cheesy but mom liked it so I was okay with it. As I thought more about my mom looking at that picture I knew I needed to wake up or something show her I was here and I am okay anything would work. I miss her and mama I want to see them, hug them, tell them I love them again. I don't wanna die. "Come on Macy wake up." I said to my self...

No ones POV
As the days go on and people come in and out of the room slowly does Maya and Carina lose hope it's been 2 months since the surgery, 2 months since they have heard anything from Macy. Maya doesn't know what to do. Maya and Carina both know it's no good if someone is in a coma for longer then a week or so but it's been 2 months. Yes there are cases where the person have lived in a coma for years but most don't survive what will happen if she doesn't wake up? What will come after tho? And what will the after math be?

A/N: Hey guys I was gonna put this off till the weekend and post it Tuesday but I had an idea and just had to do it so here it is the first part hope you guys like it.

Little Bishop: the after math Where stories live. Discover now