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A year after the death of Emma. Macy started back running and got a scholarship to Georgetown university for track and field she went on the train and race in the Olympics like her mother before her. Macy came back to Seattle after college and the olympics went to the fire academy and became a firefighter like her mom as well. She is a Lieutenant at station 19 working alongside her mom. With a beautiful wife named Jenny and 2 loving kids a girl named McKinley Emma Jones-Bishop and a boy named Adam Jones-Bishop. There isn't a day that goes by she doesn't think of Emma; Emma will always be on her mind she was one of the best things that happened to Macy when she was going though everything Emma was there no matter what Emma was always there. Still to this day Macy will say Emma was her soulmate Macy still to this day visit Emma's mom. As of now Macy is happy living her new life with her wife and kids. Macys oldest daughter asked her one time 'if you could go back and change one thing what would it be' Macys response to her was 'I would change nothing because my love what I went through when I was little brought me here do you.' Years later Macy watched her daughter and son grow up and have beautiful family as she spent the rest of her days with her wife.

A/N: sorry if this isn't good I'm not that good at this type of thing
Thank you for reading

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