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Macys POV
It's been 2 days since being here Emma's asleep right now beside me as I'm sitting in the same chair from day one. The only difference is now it's broke a little. If I move even just a little bit I can break it enough to get untied so I can help Emma but the problem is I can't feel my right arm it's happened before but maybe it happened when I fell over after getting hit but I don't know.

Today is the day I wanna get out I'm going to make sure of it there's no need for me and Emma both to be here even if I just get her out and to a safe place. Someone can find her.

Mayas POV
The police have found the house that there in now they just got to go in and get them. I'm ready to have my baby back and make sure Emma's okay also. I'm pacing back and forth when I feel someone's head grab my head "Bella it's going to be okay we are going to get her back and Emma okay." Carina tells me
"What if we don't what if it's to late?" I asked her "it's not bambina." She tells me and pulls me into a hug.

Macy POV
Emma started breathing weird "em?" I say and she doesn't saying anything back I know she's weak and I know she's lost a lot of blood but I can't lose her I have to save her. Her mom needs her I need her she's my soulmate. So I get myself out of the chair and make my way over to her as quickly and quietly as I can so that Nathan doesn't come down here and do something else to her. I make my way to her and sit beside her with my back on the wall and I pull her to me wincing at the pain in arm. "Em please be okay." I say "I can't lose you okay I need you." I tell her still not getting a response. All she makes is noises that tell me she's in pain. I wish I could take it away all her pain I just want take it all away and have all her pain I can handle it. "I love you Em so much okay so I need you to stay with me I know it hurts and I know you wanna go but please I beg you stay for me." I as I say that the door flys open in comes Nathan. I lay Emma down and stand up and stand in between Emma and him. "Look who got out of there chair." He says as he starts walking to us "stay back." I tell him. He got to me "what you gonna do?" He asked I looked  at him  "I...I.." I get cut off  " aww your scared." He said "no I'm not." I say he grabs my arm and pulls me with him to the other side of the room. "Let go of me!" I yell then he throws me to the floor "shut up!" He yells and hits me a few times...

Mayas POV
It's time. We are going to the police station now to talk about a plan on how they are going to get my baby back and Emma. Todays the day.

Macys POV
It's been hours. After he got done hitting me he went back up the stairs and hasn't been back since. It hurts to move I can hear Em making some weird noises I'm not sure how she's doing she's lost a lot of weight and blood and I just feel like if I can't get her out tonight then I won't be able to keep her awake or alive much longer. As for me I have so much pain right now in my body I don't know what to do I feel like I can't move but I want to be by Em I need to she needs to know I'm here. So despite the pain and not wanting to move I have to. I make my way to her "Em baby open your eyes okay." I say  and she slowly opens them a little bit "hey my beautiful girl I love you and I'm so so so sorry this happened to you." I tell her when I get to her I lift her head and put it on my lap and put my hand on her cheek. "Mac..I..I..lo..ove..yo..ou..s..so...mu..ch.." she tells me in a weak and stuttering voice  " I love you so much to my love." I tell her with tears in my eyes " you gotta stay okay I'm gonna get you out your be okay." I tell her "I...I...kno..ow..." she says with a weak smile and I smile back "so stay okay." I say "stay." She says "yea." I say then kiss her forehead "mac...ho..ld...my..hand..." she says I grab it "no..mat..ter.....what...happens...always know I...love...you..." she say I nod my head " I will.but your not going anywhere okay your gonna be okay I'm gonna make sure of that." I tell her "how you going to do that kid." I hear Nathan say "please just let us go." I say "no they know where you are Macy they know I have you. I'm going to go away for a long time so I got to make it good." He says pulling a gun out " get up!" He yells " no." I say " get up." He says again I slowly get up and he points the gun at Emma and pulls the trigger "NO!!!!" I yell and move in front of Emma to block her "AHHH!" I yell in pain all I hear after that is "  POLICE PUT THE GUN DOWN!!" Then everything went black.

A/N: hey guys it's coming to the end hope you guys liked it let me know what you think

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