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Macys POV
I open my eyes and look around the room is dark. I try to get up but my hands and feet are tied up I can't move. I see someone on the other side of the room. "Emma?" I said "Mac?" I hear a low voice "Yes it's me. Em are you okay?" I asked "it hurts.." she says "I'm gonna get us out of here just hold on okay." I tell her "he'll be back..mac..." she says..

Mayas POV
I wake up the next morning Carinas already making breakfast. "Good morning love." I say walking up behind her and putting my arms around her waist. "Good morning Bella. How did you sleep?" She asked "good car how did you." I asked kissing her cheek. "Good." She said with a smile. "Go get the bambina up." She tells me "okay." I say and walk to Macys room and knock on the door. Nothing. I knock again. Still nothing I open her door and walk in "mac time t..." I stop and see her bed is empty "Carina!?" I yell and she comes in "what?.." she says "she's not here she's gone! Where could she be ? She wouldn't run would she? She...she wouldn't go to find Emma when she knows he tried to hurt her? Wh..." Carina cuts me off "breath bella." She says "I...I..I cant.." I say "okay it's okay we'll find her I promise okay." She tells me "but what if its to late? What if he hurts her?" I say "Bella you have to think positive okay she will be okay I promise." She tells me "okay." I say

Macys POV
Come on where are you man it's been hours she's hurting. Help her she doesn't deserve this. I think to myself as the door opens and he comes in the room. "Look who's awake." He says walking over to me "why are you doing this." I asked " it doesn't matter now I got you here. Now the fun starts." He says moving closer to my face. "I don't care what you do to me leave Emma alone." I tell him "what's the   fun in that?" He asked sarcastically " she doesn't deserve this please let her go you can do whatever to me. You've done enough to her." I say as I feel a hand come across my face. "Shut up!" He yelled

Mayas POV
Carina called the cops I call my team at the station and we went looking for her I was pretty sure where she would have went but I wasn't sure where he was so I was looking through her room to see if she had his address or something. "Bella Andy and Vic are here." I hear Carina say as she walks in the room "hey." They both say "hi.." I say I don't look at them I need to know where she is. As I look through her desk I feel a hand on my shoulder "Maya what can we do?" Andy asked "idk look for an address or something." I tell her "okay." She reply's.

After about 30 minutes of look "I found something!" Vic yells "what?" I asked walking over to her " his names Nathan Evens right?" She asked "yes why?" I say "because this is his address I think." She tells me handing me a paper. I looked at it "okay let's go." I say as I run to my car "Maya wait!" I hear Carina yell "what?" I asked opening to door to my car "Maya we need to take this to the cops okay they can help and then we can get her back." She tells me and Andy and Vic nodded in agreement. "Fine but what if she's already hurt? And what if Emma needs help and we wasting time going to the cops first?" I asked "look Maya me and you can go to the address okay and we can let Carina and Vic go to the cops first and then they can meet us there." Andy says "okay let's go get in." I say and put the address in my phone "be careful bella" Carina tells me and kisses me "I well and you to love." I tell her and we both went on are ways.

Macys POV
It's been hours since he was down here he moved Emma closer to me "babe are you okay?" I asked I know the answer but maybe she'll tell me what's hurting so maybe I can try and help "I'm fine..mac.." she says "no your not I know your hurting tell me what he did please." I say " I..don't wanna talk about it.." she tells me "okay....how many times does he come down here a day?" I asked her "um..once or twice I think.."she says "okay how long in between?" I asked "um...l..like...an...um  a few..hours..." she says leaning her head back and closes her eyes "Em you okay open your eyes okay." I say as I pull at my hands trying to get loose so I can help her "I'm so.. tired Mac....." she says closing her eyes all the way "no no Em wake up."
I say and look at her with her being closer to me I can see she's in pain and that she's lost a lot of weight and probably a lot of blood from the cuts on her arms and face. There deep and need to be cleaned. Damn it why did this have to happen to her? She deserves better then this. Better then me. I think as the door opens "help her please." I say no response he walks over to her and unties her leaving her in the chair then comes to me "she won't last much longer." He tells me "why are you doing this she hasn't done anything to you." I say "you know your just like your mom." He says " disrespectful and  ungrateful you know I tried to make your mom happy I tried to be a father.." I cut him off "don't say that about my mom and you never tried to be a father!!" I yell at him "YOU LEFT ME AND HER!" I yelled again then I feel he's fist against my cheek "SHUT UP!!!" He yelled at me "YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING!!" He yelled as he hit me again hard enough to knock the chair over...

A/N: y'all I'm trying I know it might suck rn but I have a few more plans for this one. Sorry it's long but it was a lot to put in it.

Little Bishop: the after math जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें