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[Warning sad ](Listen to the song as you read)

Macys POV
It's been a few weeks and Emma's still hasn't woke up. I don't know if she will. I hope she does. What happens if she doesn't? I can't do this with out her she's my love, my soul mate. I can't lose her. I finally went home a couple days ago to shower and change clothes. Moms got me to eat a little earlier but it didn't stay down long. Don't tell them that. Anyways I'm sitting in Emma's room and watching her. She looks so peaceful right now. I grab her hand "hey love I know your fighting in there but I need  you to fight harder then ever okay cause I need you I won't be able to live without you love so please come back to me." I say "that we beautiful mac." I hear someone say and turn to see who it is " Amelia how long have you been there?" I asked "for a little while." She says and walks over to Emma and checks on her. I watch as she does her thing. "What's up?"I asked because Amelia had a look on her face. "Oh nothing." She says "I'll be back " she tells me "come on please Emma come back to me okay I know it's hard but..ahh." I groan in pain and grab my side I take a few deep breath's and try to get up to go talk to mama maybe she knows what's happening "ahh!" I wince at the pain in my side. I stand up finally and make my way to the door and open it "mama?" I say and lean on the door frame "ma'am are you okay?" A nurse asked me I shake my head no "can you paged Dr. Deluca?" Is all I could say before I fell to the floor in pain "ahh!" I yell "Mac?" I hear my mom " it hurts mom." I say "okay someone get Carina Deluce and Miranda Bailey now!" My mom yells "your gonna be okay." She tells me "it...hurts really bad..mommy." I cry sounding like a baby. Right now I don't care. I continue to cry in pain. "Bella what happened?" Mama asked "I don't know I was coming back and I seen her like this." Mom says "what's wrong bambina?" Mama asked me "it hurts my... sided..." I say they get me up from the floor on a gurney. "Come on we are gonna do a few test and get you something for the pain." Bailey says "will I be in Emma's room?" I asked still wanting to be close to her. If she wakes up I wanna be there if she doesn't I still wanna be there. I need to be there. "Yes bella." Mama says

After all the test and scenes I'm back in the room with Emma they say it was something from the surgery but I wasn't fully listening cause I was paying attention to Emma and her monitors where going. I still don't know why Amelia made the face she did but I'll find out I have to. About and hour later Amelia comes back. "Hey how you feeling kid?" She asked "I'm okay. What was with the face earlier?" I asked her and she looked up from her charts "what look?" She asked "the look you made after looking at Emma" I say "oh nothing it was just a look." She tells me and continues to check on Emma and looks at her eyes and makes the same look as early "that look you did it again what's going on is she okay?" I asked "Mac I can't tell you that." She says "why not she's my girlfriend I should get to know." I say "I have to tell her mom first then her mom can say if she wants to." She tells me and I give her a look like I know why she can't tell me and it's not because it's good news "she's getting worse isn't she?" I asked "Macy I can't say I'm sorry." She tells me "you not saying is telling me everything I need to know." I say "why's that?"she asked "because you make the same face when you tell people bad news you don't look at them you stare at your charts and maybe it's just with me but that's what you do." I tell her "I'm sorry kid." She says as she walks over to me "I'll tell you if you really want to know." She tells me I nod "okay." I say "We did everything we can do Macy.." I cut her off "don't give me that bullsh*t. I just want the truth I know you did everything you can....I..I..just need to know if....She'll wake up..." I stutter while I say that "I'm so so sorry Macy.." she starts "no.." I say with tears in my eyes "you messed something..check again." I say at this point my moms have come in "what's going on?" Mom asked "I'm sorry but there's nothing else I can do mac." Amelia says "no your wrong...she's gonna wake up.." I say as tears roll down my face and Amelia just looks at me with tears in her eyes "mac I'm sorry." She says "no! NO!" I yell and get up out of bed not caring about the pain. "Bambina be careful." Mama says I move over to Emma's bed "No wake up Em show them your okay...please..please em...come on.." I say crying and mom puts her hands on my shoulders. "You...c..can't.. die...not now...please...." I say between sobs a few seconds after that Emma's mom walked in "what's wrong?" She asked and moms told her and she broke down. As I sat by Emma bed still not believing it to be true. She can't be gone right.

A few days later we where at Emma funeral. Her mom asked me to sit with her and my moms as well. It's real now she's gone I'll never be able to tell her how I feel about her. She was the love of my life and now she's gone and it's all my fault.

It's been a few days since the funeral almost every night since I have been home I have had nightmares about what happened with Nathan and Emma and how things could be different if I had gotten there sooner. One day I'll see my love again. I don't know when that day will be but it will come we will be happy once again without a care in the world. I love you Emma I always will.

The end......

A/N: hey loves this is the end of  little Bishop. Hope you liked it I know it ended on a sad note and I'm sorry.

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