Just CLOWNING Around! (Part Two of Face Your Fears)

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Jorgeous's POV:
I should've never agreed to this. Now I'm trapped in a room with a bunch of clowns. Fuck. A message came through the crackling static on the monitor.
"Alright Jorgeous! Your task is simple. Once this fifteen minute timer is up, your test is over. If you leave before then, you fail and you'll be up for elimination. Good luck, and don't fuck it up!" RuPaul said. I took a deep breath. Fifteen minutes, I can do it! The timer starting ticking down, each second, I was closer to the end of this challenge. I never understood the appeal of clowns. Why do they have so many colors and so many patterns, like what are the purpose for these things?! Ugh! It's fucking insanity! INSANITY I SAY! INSANITY! This sucks. It really fucking sucks a lot.
"So... What do you guys do for fun?" I spoke, trying to make this less awkward.
"Juggling," one of the clowns answered promptly.
"Making a fool outta myself for massive profits," another one replied.
"Watching the minutes tick by until the day I can retire," a third one said. I looked at the clock. Ten minutes left. Okay, I can do this. I can do this. The clowns already looked less intimidating. They weren't so scary after all! The colors were kind of pretty. I liked the way they all meshed together in one cohesive theme. Not to similar but not too different. It was a perfect blend. One of them started juggling, so I watched them. It was kinda mesmerizing. Then before I knew it, the timer went off. I could leave now! Did I actually just spend fifteen minutes in a room with a bunch of clowns?!
"YES! YES! FINALLY! LATER CLOWNS!" I cackled, running out of the room. They looked hurt by my words, but I couldn't care less.
"SUCCESS!" I shouted, everyone clapped in response. That wasn't so hard! That actually wasn't hard at all!

DeJa's POV:
Jorgeous just came out of the room. I guess it's my turn. Fun. That was me being sarcastic in case you couldn't tell. I was not looking forward to this in the slightest. This was gonna be absolutely awful. Just plain awful.
"So, what are you afraid of, DeJa?" Bosco asked, tilting her head slightly.
"The dark," I answered promptly. I sucked in a deep breath before facing the door. I gulped as I approached it.
Let's get this over with.

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