Parallel Universes (Lemyanka)

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Special one shot for my friend penelope967 as a very belated birthday gift! They are an amazing writer, so go check out some of their work!
Priyanka's POV:

"Do you ever wonder if the stars can see us too?" Lemon asks as she stares up at the sky. The stars are like diamonds, dancing all around.

"That's a good question, Lem. I'm not exactly sure." I spoke. We were sitting on the balcony of our apartment building, watching the stars dance and the clouds fly by. I look at Lemon. I really got lucky with her. She starts giggling about something, and points to a star.

"They're so pretty. What do you think that one is named?" Lemon giggled. Do the stars have names? I'm not exactly sure. I smile at Lemon, who's still smiling widely. I think up a name for the star, and I get a perfect idea that I promptly pitch to her.

"I think it should be named Lem Lem. After you, cause you're the brightest star in my sky." I smile at her. I'm being cheesy, I know, but it's worth it to see the absolute admiration and pure joy on her face. She grins up at me and then looks back at the sky.

"And I'll name that one Pri. After you." Lemon returns the gesture as she points to the star next to the one I named. She continues to gaze up at the sky. It's quite endearing. She just looks so invested.

"Pri Pri?" She has a different tone now. A curious one. I look over to her and tilt my head. She's deep in thought, she only ever makes that expression and speaks in that tone when she has an important (or existential) question. I hope she doesn't make me question existence again.

"What's up, Lem Lem?" I keep my voice steady. She always has so many thoughts running through her mind. Some are sweet. Some are funny. Some make me question my life and existence as a whole. Some are just her reading me. She sits up, her yellow hair resting on her shoulders.

"Do you think we're best friends in another universe?" She mutters, she's quiet, but just loud enough for me to hear her. I tilt my head. Another universe? She purses her lips at my confused expression and she takes that as a sign to continue speaking.

"Like, there's a theory that there are an infinite amount of universes out there. For every different possible outcome." She starts. I notion for her to continue talking.

"Like, there could be a universe where we're rivals. Or a universe where Brooke Lynn crowned another winner. There are so many different possibilities, and there's a universe for every single one. It makes my head spin thinking about it! So the chances of us ending up in this universe are relatively slim. But do you think we're best friends in other universes too?" Lemon was out of breath by the end.

"Well, you said there's a universe for every possibility, right?" I start. She nods her head. The stars seem to reflect the mischievous, but well intentioned, twinkle in Lemon's eyes. Her yellow hair flittering slightly in the cool summer breeze. The moon illuminates the balcony we were sitting on together.

"Yeah. They can be nearly identical to this universe, or as different as different can be." She spoke, gesturing at the wide sky with her hands. The world was so big, and yet me and Lemon are so small. Just relatively little specks of matter floating around in the universe.

"Well, if that's the case, there's bound to be more than one universe where we're best friends. For example, there could be a universe where we're best friends and Tynomi was the winner of Canada's Drag Race. Or maybe we're best friends in a universe where everything is chrome. You said it yourself, Lem. The universes can be as different or as similar to ours as they possibly want. So rest assured, there are more universes where we're best friends." I ramble for an admittedly long time. My speech is cheesy, but Lemon smiles all the same. I smile too.

"Pri... I hope you're right. I can't imagine living in a universe without you by my side." Lemon blushes, but I can tell by her tone and her eyes that she's genuine. She wants us to be together forever. And I do too. I can't imagine my life without her.

"That's very sweet of you, Lem Lem. I love you." I press a gentle kiss to the top of her forehead. She smiles her signature smile and stands up, reaching her hand out for me to take. I grab her hand and stand up. I got so lucky with her.

"Thank you for making me question my life and existence as a whole again, Lem." I chuckle, my voice laced with a playful sarcasm. I ruffle her hair as she mocks outrage, soon bursting into giggles. She slinks her arms around my shoulder and looks up at me with a smile.

"Of course, Pri Pri! It's my specialty!" Lemon sounds oddly proud of herself. I roll my eyes playfully and she smirks. I open the door to our apartment and we step into the room. I think a few mosquitoes may have bitten me while we were on the balcony.

"As much as I love talking about life and universes with you, it's pretty late. I'm gonna lay down." I tell her. She smiles and I grab two water bottles, one for me and one for her. That way neither of us will get thirsty. I bring them to the bedside table.

As I sit down on the bed and pull out my phone, Lemon curls up at my side and watches the screen. She tugs on my arm before speaking again.

"Out of all the universes I could've ended up in... I'm glad I ended up in this one, with you."

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