~16. Lake trip.~

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A/n: decided to make the chapters a bit shorter, since it's a bit less stressful, but you're getting two at once today:)

Enjoy reading<3
Stay healthy and kind🌷🐮


"You've been awfully quiet." Cate's hand patted my thigh, gently, forcing my head to spin around.

The quiet sound of the spinning wheels, touched my ears. We've been a few hours into the drive and I had to admit, I wasn't pretty talkative.

Since that night I changed my mind, about the lake trip, I kept overthinking. My mind was replaying what might be happening. What possibly could go wrong. What would Sarah think, now that I changed my mind? Yet, that were only the nice thoughts.

It were Rita's texts. She was at the house. She was closer to me, than she had been in a very long time. Although it's been a few weeks, that I received her messages, it was driving me insane. She wasn't replying anymore. No sign of her being anywhere near me. It was like she disappeared from the radar.

Just like the woman did years ago. She left me to die and was gone. As if she never existed. I wasn't sure Rita knew I survived, but why would she care? Why did she care now? What was the reason for her to trace me down again? Couldn't she move on?

Would she text again? There was no internet, right?

"I'm just a bit tired and my uterus is killing me!" I cried out and laughed, as I placed my hand above Cate's on top of my thigh.

The woman glimpsed at me, with a furrowed brow, before focusing on the road again. "Oh my poor girl. Wasn't your period supposed to end? Will a bit more warmth help?"

The contact of our hands faded, whilst I pulled mine off of hers, so the blonde could place it on my lower abdomen. Cate's fingertips slid up my thigh, but other than expected she slipped it underneath my waistband and underneath the fabric of my pants.

Only about half of my underwear was between her hand and my injured skin. -once I had picked up my bad habit, I couldn't stop myself quite often. I kept taking everything out on my lower abdomen.

Since I refused to have sex or any kind of intimacy, it was the perfect hiding spot. However it required more privacy and secrecy. I locked the bathroom door, whenever I took a shower and I even changed inside of there. But I knew I couldn't do this all the time. Cate was far away from being stupid.

So, at times, I had to change with her in the bedroom. I ensured to bend far enough over my thighs, so she had no chance to take a single look at my stomach.

"This is indeed quite nice." I hummed and used my hands to press hers closer. No matter how good it felt -her touch- I feared she might feel the rough skin of my new art.

Cate did glimpse over and her expression worried me, but she quickly focused back on the street.

"We'll arrive soon and if you like to, you can lay down or maybe go for a walk then? Whatever helps, my angel." The blonde voiced softly.

"Both at once, please." I scoffed sarcastically, earning a grin to creep onto the other woman's lips. "I have to take a pill first."

Cate nodded her head. "My poor angel."

"It's fine. It really is." A weak smile plastered onto my face. "I'm just glad the kids don't have any allergies. I had mine pretty early and my mom was quite worried about me, cause she had no idea what to do to help me."

Oh she was an amazing woman and the best mom.

"I hope it won't be too bad, cause I know for sure you'll like the nature and just everything about the location." Cate hummed and tapped the steering wheel excitedly.

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