~25. The line between.~

486 30 39

A/n: things are going down, down, down the drain...

Stay healthy and kind 💗

Hectically Cate rushed through the kitchen, whilst I sat at the counter and glared down onto the ultrasound pictures of today.

Fourteen weeks... isn't that absurd? Time is just flying by and we don't even notice it. I didn't notice it. My right hand caress the skin of my bump softly and although the moment was quite nice, the clinking of cutlery and kitchen utensils made me groan out. Cate was upset and I heard it by the way she was opening and closing the drawers and cupboards.

So, I rose my head and parted my lips. "Catie, what are you searching?"

"The onions." She spoke through a clenched jaw and kept on throwing the drawers open. "Did you really pack it into our shopping cart?" The woman questioned, with a rather annoyed undertone, as if it was my fault she couldn't find it.

"I did. I told you—"

"Yeah, but you talk a lot when the day's long.." The blonde muttered and I gasped out.

"Are you still mad at me, for what happened yesterday? The thing with Nadia?" I knitted my brows and her anger seemed to grow at the mention of our neighbor's daughter,

"She flirted with you right in front of me!" Cate turned around and threw her hands onto the counter. The sound lingering in the air, same as her heavy breathing. "And you just kept talking to her!"

"I was being polite. That's it. Are you afraid I would take her?" I teased, yet it seemed like that surely wasn't the right time. 

"Are you saying you would take her over me?" My fiancé spit out and turned back around where she went through every drawer all over again.

I groaned out. "Of course not! Why would I want her, when I have you?"

Cate completely ignored what I said and turned back around, with an expression full of madness. "You forgot the onions. Well, I guess someone has to go to grocery store and get them now."

The way she sounded so mad made me feel all weird, since I was kinda sure I actually packed them into our shopping cart... yet, I did tend to forget a lot of things.

"Cate, calm down."

"No! I asked you to get the groceries I put on that list and you forgot about it!"

"What the fuck, Catherine? Why are you so mad now? I didn't do anything apart form possibly forgetting an ingredient!" I bit back annoyed.

"Oh common, don't act like you aren't mad at me for dragging you home with me from Berlin!" My eyebrow lifted, as my fiancé kept taking it out on me. Whatever it was.

"Well, of course I was disappointed, but you would be too. Also Paul could have dumped his date as well. What do you want to hear from me—" The blonde interrupted.

"See! You still hold onto this. For sucks sake, you forgot the onions!"

"Fine, you know what, I'll get the stupid onions. Did I forget anything else?" I exhaled deeply and to underline my madness, I smiled.

"Surely not your attitude."

"Gosh seriously?" I shook my head and left the kitchen. My hand reached for my scarf and beanie, whilst I attempted to slip into my shoes, which didn't work out too well. I seated myself on the stairs and suddenly someone tapped my shoulder, causing me to turn my head.

"Where are you going?" Iggy looked at me with wide eyes.

"Mama is going?" Edith called form upstairs before sprinting downstairs. "Where are you going?"

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