~18. Heated.~

945 49 29

A/n: damn it took me a bit ngl. My motivation is lagging a bit.

Enjoy reading🧚🏻‍♀️🌷🐮🍄🫡🪠

Stay healthy and kind 💗


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*Veronica's POV*

The hint smell of stale water lingered in my nose. God I hated lakes. Limping towards the house, I heard Cate's voice calling my name, but I didn't care. Tears were running down my face.

Wet as a dog, I made it into the bathroom. My, in water damped, clothes fell heavily to the ground and soon my skin was rinsed by hot water. Steam filled the room and my mind stopped spinning, as my body began to burn and turn red.

My lower abdomen ached, but no sound left my lips. My ears were deafened, by the music of water splashing to the ground.

"What the fuck." I gasped out, as I allowed to replay what took place. My flat hand palms rested against the cold tiles of the shower.

I cried. I just cried, because I was mad? What the hell. At least my period was over... fuck emotions.

Whilst shampooing my hair and rinsing my body, I glared down on myself. My ankle looked off. Due to my tantrum, I might have twisted it and just the thought of this was pretty much embarrassing. What was it about my emotions these days?

Since Cate hadn't come upstairs yet, I knew she would leave me space, so by the time I had stepped out of the shower, the whole bathroom was filled with steam and traces of water were all over the furniture. I wiped my hand palm across the mirror, exposing my.. my face.

I stared into a pair of green eyes and I knew, I knew them, but the more I glared into my own orbs, the more unfamiliar they became. The more absurd grew the idea my own face to me.

Would I ever be able to make progress? I knew, I was in the very same position, a few months ago. It could not possibly be. I would simply not get better.

What I was, was a burden. I was a burden to everyone in my life. I had always been. To aunt Cassie. To Amena. To Rita.

To Cate.

She didn't do anything wrong, yet my overly sensitive ass did her wrong. Too often even. It was not for once, that I acted bitchy.

I was icing her out.

But it was my battle to fight after all. Not hers. Not her beer. It was my issue. And mine only.

When I have overcome this, everything will be fine again. However for now.. for now, it meant to be quiet and to cause as less trouble as only possible.

I nodded to myself in the mirror and got changed.

For the following few hours, my notebook was my best friend. I doodled random figures, motives and even abstract looking furniture into it, after finishing to write down a few words.

It seemed silly to write a diary, but that wasn't what I was doing. The thing about my notebook was, that I was indeed writing some deep shit in there, but not only. So, in case anyone would read it, I might as well say it's for writing purposes and it would not even count as a lie.

I actually planned a few things about stories or poems in there. The poems were horrible, but at least they had somewhere a meaning. I knew what they were about. I knew what they are. A thing I could not say about myself.

So, as the day was coming to an end, I decided to let some fresh air into the room. As I was about to do so, I caught someone sitting outside at the porch. Cate. She just sat there, by the stairs, staring into the darkness of the lake. Her hair looked flawless.

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