Part 1

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The next few days went by fast. It was a blur of packing, saying goodbye to my family, and researching EXO so I would at least have some background knowledge on them. Their names were quickly learned, despite the fact that there were 10 of them.

Anyway, I was finally on the plane to Seoul, where their dorm was located. It wasn't a long flight at all, just an hour and fifteen minutes. I began twisting a strand of my long black hair, something that I had always done when I was nervous.

"Ma'am? Would you like a drink or a snack?" A petite looking flight attendant asked. I hadn't eaten breakfast at all, but my stomach was twisting so painfully, that I couldn't eat anything. I sat back and closed my eyes, trying to relax.

"The plane will land momentarily." My eyes snapped open at the sound of the flight attendant, and I quickly gathered my carry on. As soon as the plane settled on the runway, I made my way to the airport gate. I wasn't expecting the array of faces that would greet me.

"Annyonghaseyo! We are EXO!" They called in unison. How they recognized me, I'm not sure. Maybe they were shown a picture of me.

"Annyonghaseyo. I am Lee Su Han." I replied, bowing slightly. My shyness overcame my indifference, and I spoke more softly than I meant to. They chuckled nervously, glancing from the floor to each other, but never at me. Well, except the one I recognized as Sehun. He was distinguishable, with his height and oval-shaped face. He alone stared into my eyes intently, until becoming self-aware and lowering his eyes in embarrassment.

Before I knew it, we were whisked away, and I was at the EXO dorm door. Most of the members had all entered, but I was mentally preparing myself for what was about to be done. "It's ok," I whispered to myself, "it's only three months, not long at all."

"Hey," I turned to my right and was met by huge, chocolate colored eyes. It was D. O "Are you coming?" His brows furrowed with concern.

"Yeah, I just-" I was interrupted by a thud as someone pushed passed D.O. and me.

"Move." A deep voice escaped out of his boyish face, which was covered by a gigantic smile. Chanyeol was his name. I recognized him by his big ears. It was easy enough to tell that he had been kidding, but when I glanced over, D.O.'s face was grave.

A yell sounded from Chanyeol's mouth, and he turned to run. D.O. stalked after him, but not before he ushered me into the dorm.

I sat down on the nearest seat, facing the flat screen tv, and looked around. Suho was sitting in the chair opposite me, Kai, Sehun, and Chen were sitting on the floor, Baekhyun and Lay in the kitchen, Xiumin and Tao in their room, and Chanyeol and D.O. were arguing with each other near the back of the room.

Suho cleared his throat. "We haven't introduced ourselves. I'm-" A door slammed open, and Tao and Xiumin came out. Both headed straight for the fridge.

A smile formed on Suho's lips. "You'll get used to that fast. Anyway, I'm Junmyeon, the leader, but you probably already knew that." I nodded, and mentally took a picture of him and matched it to his name. I didn't bother to learn their real names, so I was clueless.

"If you want anything, just ask him, and he'll buy it for you because he's rich," Tao added, with a sly smile. At the moment his face was stuffed with leftover fried chicken.

"Aish! Save some for me!" Kai yelled across the room. Tao chucked and shook his head no. They all seemed so comfortable with each other. I guess that's what happens when you spend years together.

Baekhyun plopped down next to my seat. "I'm Baekyhun," he pointed to Chanyeol and D.O, "He's Chanyeol, and the short one is Kyungsoo." He proceeded to point to the others, listing their names off as he went along. "Yixing, Tao, Minseok, Jongdae, and Jongin." Baekhyun turned back to me and smiled. "Now that you know us, we wanna know about you. What do you like to do?"

"Um. I like to draw." I offered hesitantly.

"Can you draw me like one of your French boys?" Tao questioned, I stared at him in shock until I figured he was joking and chuckled nervously. Kyungsoo came out of nowhere and playfully slapped him on the back of his head in return.

"Can we see your drawings?" Baekhyun asked.

"Um, I don't really like showing them to people I'm not comfortable with." I reached for a strand of my hair and started twisting. Seeing Baekhyun and the other's faces, I felt as if I had disappointed them somehow. I got my sketchbook out of my bag. "But I'm sure I'll be comfortable soon enough. Here, you can see one, but that's it."

Everyone gathered around the couch as he flipped to a page. I felt a deep blush crawl up the back of my neck. He had flipped to a page I had forgotten about. While I was researching EXO, I had come across a picture that I had drawn in my sketchbook.

"It's Sehun!"

"It looks just like him!"

I looked at Sehun to see his reaction. He tried to remain neutral, but he began to blush, and I could see a hint of a smile.

"I think it looks better than him," Jongdae smirked. He was awarded a punch to the arm.

Before they could flip to any more pages, I snatched the book out of Baekhyun's hands. "You guys can see more of it later," I promised.

Eventually, the excitement of my being there died off, and I settled on the bed that had been set up for me in the spare room. Down the hall, I could hear Chanyeol playing what sounded to be a guitar, the notes softly lulling me to sleep.

Day One: Over.

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