Part 8

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*Suhan's POV*

I pulled away from Kyungsoo and looked into his deep brown eyes. "So it is true," I whispered. His hands were firmly placed on my hips, and he was staring down at me with a certain level of intensity. I averted my eyes.

"I guess it is." He whispered back. He stepped back and released me from his grasp. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, that was wrong of me to-" He would've continued to ramble if I hadn't stopped him.

"No, it's fine. I just wasn't expecting it; you took me off guard." I chuckled. He brushed a strand of hair from my face and kissed the top of my forehead.

Kyungsoo, so sweet to me but so hard to his hyungs and dongsaengs, was being gentle. His big brown eyes looked over my face, a look of curiosity on his face. The edges of his lips were pulled up in a smile before he took a step back. "You should head back to sleep Suhan. Busy day tomorrow. Thank you for the food." The small smile never left his face. I nodded slowly, before stepping forward, grabbing his face between my hands and kissing him quickly. He turned to go back to his room.

"Wait." He turned back, staring at me intently. "Can you maybe stay with me tonight? Just because I don't know if I can fall asleep." I finished quickly. To my relief, he agreed and followed me back to my room.

I slid under the covers, and he laid on top of them. "You can get underneath them," I whispered. He widened his eyes in surprise, lifting his eyebrow. I sighed and motioned him over. Turning, so I was facing him, we were so close I could feel the heat radiating off of his body. He began to run his fingers through my hair, his gaze locked on me. I felt my eyelids grow heavy, and before I knew it, the sound of Kyungsoo's steady breathing had lulled me to sleep.

The days passed quickly with all of the Call Me Baby promotions. Even so, Kyungsoo and I would find ways to show affection while being simultaneously discrete. We'd walk past each other, briefly entwining our fingers before letting go, or sneaking outside the dorm. He'd often come in my room at night, and we'd repeat what we had done the first time, nothing more.

In hindsight, we were acting like teenagers, and I was sure we were obvious, but none of the others seemed to notice unless they just didn't say anything. Except for Sehun, who had begun to distance himself from me. Every so often I'd see him steal glances at me, averting his eyes when I'd catch him.

Today we were all sitting in the living room, relaxing for the first time in a while. I was sitting beside Kyungsoo, about to fall asleep, when there was a knock at the door. Yixing jumped up and opened it to a fuming Ireum. She looked far different from when I had seen her last, her mouth turned down in a deep scowl and her brow furrowed.

"What the hell is this?" She motioned toward a magazine tightly clutched in her hand, the words "Taeyeon and Baekyhun" printed all over it. It was about to get bad quick.

"Answer me, Byun Baekyhun!" Her voice rose with every word.

"Jagi, it's nothing." He started to walk toward her with his arms outstretched. There was a hint of annoyance in his tone, and she caught it.

"Don't fucking tell me it's nothing, I have pictures of you two out together! You haven't called or visited in weeks, Baekyhun, weeks! The only way I could get any information was from Chanyeol! Did you think that because I was so far away from everything in that stupid shack that I wouldn't notice?"

"Chanyeol?" Baekyhun turned around and glared at the giant, who became caught off guard at the mention of his name.

After putting together what she said in his head, he stood up. "She hadn't heard anything from you, so she called me." He snapped back, deep voice echoing throughout the dorm.

"And you didn't tell me?" His expression was one of disbelief.

"She asked me not to," Chanyeol explained defensively. "You were too busy with Taeyeon, anyway."

"It fucking fan service, okay?" Baekyhun spit. I could tell from Ireum's expression that she believed none of it.

The rest of us stared at them open-mouthed until Junmyeon began to usher us out the door. "They need to handle this without an audience." He said grimly. "You too, Chanyeol." We all complied, filling out the door.

"Is he..?" I turned to Kyungsoo, shook his head some, signaling that I shouldn't ask. On the one hand, I believed that Baekyhun loved Ireum with all of his heart and would never do something like that to her, especially when they have a daughter, but on the other hand, I had noticed him going out of the dorm quite frequently, whether it was fan service or not. But, I'd like to think he would've at least contacted Ireum and told her about it instead of keeping it from her.

I tried not to dwell on it too much. We pulled up to a local bubble tea cafe, much to Sehun's pleasure. I got the coconut bubble tea, my favorite, and went to sit next to Kyungsoo. "Do you want some?" I offered. He took the cup and downed about half of it. "Soo, save some for me." He smirked and turned to Jumyeon.

"What do we do about Baekyhun and Ireum?" His expression turned serious.

"I think we just need to give them some time to work through it. They'll probably be over it within the hour. As for him cheating, that is none of our business, so don't ask." His tone was firm.

"He doesn't deserve her," Chanyeol muttered into his straw. He had fallen for her.

"I don't want to hear it, Chanyeol." Junmyeon snapped. "You know you should have told Baekyhun about Ireum contacting you. She's his girlfriend, not yours. I don't care how in love with her you are. They have a little girl, for god's sake." Chanyeol pushed his chair back and stormed toward the bathroom. Junmyeon's words were harsh, but they were the truth.

I looked up at Kyungsoo. I was worried. If it had come to this for Baekyhun and Ireum, what would become of us? It wasn't like we were official or anything, but that didn't stop the little ball of anxiety that was forming in my stomach.

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