Part 7

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*Kyungsoo's POV*

I tightened my grip on the pillow and tried calming myself down.




That usually worked, but today it wasn't happening. I knew I shouldn't have gone off on Sehun like that. But seeing him with Suhan in the practice room infuriated me. It wasn't like we were together, but I've been finding myself overcome with jealousy every time they're in the company of each other.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Just as I drifted off, the door opened. I expected to see Suho coming to reprimand me, but instead it was Jongin. "Aish~ what do you want?" I rolled over to face the wall.

"This is my room, too!" He grinned and then sat quietly for a few minutes. "You should apologize to Sehun."

"I was already planning on it," I muttered to the wall.

"And you should probably talk to Suhan, too," I muttered under my breath a few choice words, knowing Jongin couldn't hear. "You know I'm right Kyungsoo hyung. She doesn't - or didn't know how you felt."

"What do you mean didn't? And what do I feel?" I turned to face him and raised my eyebrow. I never made any mention of how I felt to anyone.

Jongin chuckled. "C'mon hyung." You made it all too obvious when you stormed away after seeing her and Sehun together. I was there." I scoffed, and he ignored me and continued explaining himself. "You act differently around her..nicer, I guess. You don't get irritated with us as easily."

I felt my face fill with blood and turned away, not wanting him to see my smile. Jongin is some whisperer when it comes to me. I guess being roommates for as long as we have helps, too.

"You didn't answer the first question, Jongin." He gave me a sheepish look.

"Minseok hyung might have let it slip first, and we all sort of agreed with him." My eyes widened in surprise.

"You guys suck."

"We thought she already knew!" He exclaimed in defense.

"What did she do when you told her?" Despite the fact that I was supposed to be upset, my curiosity got the best of me.

I guess I did like her. I liked the way she smiled like she knew something you didn't, her long black hair that was sometimes wavy when she slept on it wrong, her beautiful brown eyes that rivaled mine in size, her laugh, and the way she always twisted that one strand of hair when she became lost in thought.

"She just kinda said 'Oh.' and then walked to her room." Jongin shrugged.

I sighed and scratched my head. "Alright thanks, Nini."

"Don't you want to come out and eat? You have to be hungry." I shook my head no, even though I was starving. I didn't feel like facing everyone after my outburst.

He nodded his head and walked out the door. Whatever Suhan cooked, it smelled delicious. I turned to the wall again and tried to ignore the growing pain in my stomach.

Later that night, my hunger became unbearable, so I figured I might as well get up and eat something. No use in starving myself for the sake of my pride. It was the middle of the night anyway, and everyone was probably asleep.

I got up, not too concerned with waking up Jongin because he slept like a rock, and walked into the hallway, where I collided face first with Suhan, sending my glasses, and her, crashing to the floor. "Ah shit," I muttered. "I'm sorry, Suhan-ah. I didn't see you."

"You know," she started, "for someone as quiet and as innocent looking as you, you sure do cuss quite a bit." She smirked up at me while rubbing her head where we had hit.

"I guess I do. You can't always judge a book by its cover, you know?" She picked up my glasses with a questioning look. "I have astigmatism," I explained. "I only wear them at night, any other time, I either wear contacts or nothing at all."

"Ah ok. That explains why you squint so much." She continued,"Why are you up so late?" Her question got answered by the low rumble that came from my stomach. She nodded her head, getting the picture. "I'll make you something; I owe you from last from last time."

She handed me my glasses, and I went over to the table and sat down. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and she had boy shorts on that complimented her legs and some tee shirt with some random band name on it. She turned and caught me staring, her face turning pink. I smiled sheepishly at her and looked down. "W-what do you want to eat?" She sputtered.

"Doesn't matter." She turned back to the counter and started to make what looked like kimchi spaghetti. She hummed as she cooked. "Why are you up so late, anyway?"

"I couldn't sleep." She confessed. "When I can't sleep, I usually wander."

"You should try listening to music. It always puts me to sleep."

"Next time." She finished making the spaghetti, set it before me, and looked expectantly for my response.

"It's good, Suhan-ah," I admitted. It was not that great, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings. She smiled to herself and came over to sit next to me.

"Let me try." I felt my face heating up as I took my chopsticks and brought them to her mouth. She almost gagged. "You liar! It's awful!" A giggle escaped her pink lips and shrugged at her. "It's okay; you don't have to eat it." She smiled. God, her smile is perfect.

"It's fine; it's fine." I ate every last bite to prove it to her. She started to head off to bed after I had finished, but I grabbed her arm before she could go. I wanted to apologize to her.

"Suhan-ah, I'm sorry for snapping at you after practice. I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me."

"I forgive you." She whispered. Looking into her eyes, I became overcome with feelings, and I just, I don't know, I just wanted to kiss her.

So I did.

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