Part 12

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"Don't you guys have any alcohol?" I questioned as I rummaged through the cabinets in the kitchen. About two months had passed since it we decided that I could stay and today was Jongdae's birthday. "I mean, you guys are well over 19, you should have something."

"We can't have alcohol around when some of us have the tolerance of a 12-year-old," Junmyeon spoke up sarcastically, turning to face Yixing and Baek. "The last time we got drunk, Yixing stood on the balcony naked and started singing Wolf. We had to pull him inside before anyone could see."

I laughed at the thought of quiet and bashful Yixing singing at the top of his lungs in nothing but his birthday suit. "This should be fun then." I spotted Yeol, who was scrolling on his phone.

"C'mon Yeollie. Let's get some stuff for the party." He rolled his eyes and groaned. "Stop complaining and get up." I pulled him to his feet and dragged him up. "Sehun, Jongin come with us. You guys don't do anything."

"Yeah, right," Sehun muttered. "It isn't like we're constantly practicing or anything." I swatted at his arm.


We piled into the van, with Jongin in the passenger seat and Sehun and Yeol in the back., and pulled off. "Make room for one more," I announced. "I invited someone else."

"Who?" Jongin questioned.

"She's right there." I cruised to a stop in front of the bus stop nearby the dorm and opened the door. There stood Ireum, with a bright smile on her face. Her hair was different, exchanging her long black hair for a sleek silver color.

"Jagi!" Yeol perked up at the sight of her, and I watched as his expression shifted from excited to confused. "Your hair..?"

"You aren't the only one with access to hair dye Channie." She said playfully. "What? You don't like it?"

"I like it, noona," Sehun announced with a half-smile on his face.

Yeol glanced at Sehun and rolled his eyes. Turning back to Ireum, he twisted a strand of her hair around his finger. "I love it, jagi."

"Hmm. Maybe I should dye my hair. Or at least cut it." I mentioned.

"Hyung would kill you." Jongin snickered. "He doesn't like change at all. Or surprises."

"Aishh~ He's not in charge of me. Maybe I will surprise him one of these days." We pulled up to the supermarket and got out. As soon as we entered the doors, everyone scattered. "Don't just get random things!" I called out.

"Arasoo eomma." Yeol retorted, sarcasm dripping from his voice. I wandered over to the alcohol aisle, and stood there, contemplating on what to buy. I never really had the chance to drink or get drunk, and I figured it was high time to try it out. Unfortunately, I had no idea what to buy. "Just get the soju," Kai said softly. He pointed up to the top shelf and laughed when I glared at him.

"I can't reach that," I whined.

"Why are you so short?" He asked, playfully shaking his head, his bangs falling into his eyes.

"Why are you so tall?" I snapped, snatching the green bottle from his hands. The others soon came to the cart, arms full of varying party things. "We're ordering chicken, Sehunnie. No need for the beef."

Sehun's lips turned down into a frown, while Jongin's face lit up. "Fried chicken?! Yesss." He did a little happy dance in the middle of the store, earning a laugh from me.

"Let's go."

Minseok, Tao, and Kyungsoo had been out with Chen all day to keep him away from the dorm, and we barely had enough time to hide before they came in. "SURPRISE!"

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