Part 11

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We had got back from the grocery store to see that most of the members had come back from their various schedules, including Kyungsoo. After thinking about what to say to him about my distancing myself for about an hour, I was finally able to muster up enough courage to go to his bedroom. Instead of knocking, however, I could only stand there.

Yeol walked past and nudged me. "What are you doing?" He whispered. "Go in there."

"But.." I started. "What if he.."

"Sigh." Annoyance showed through, and I noticed a bit of Ireum was beginning to rub off on him. "Just go!" He pushed me forward, knocking me into the door. When I turned to glare at him, he gave me a toothy smile and shrugged, walking away.

"Come in." Soo's smooth voice came through the door, and I opened it slowly. He was laying on his bed watching some movie on his phone. I wanted nothing more than to curl up next to him, but I forced myself to stay standing.

"Um hey," I said softly. Kyungsoo looked up at me from under his bangs, showing no emotion.

"So you've finally decided to start talking to me now?" I could tell he was irritated with me. I didn't blame him. I nodded my head, and he scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Please don't do that, Kyungsoo. Let me explain." He looked me in the eyes, waiting.

"Go ahead."

"I was just scared." He sat up and furrowed his brows.

"Scared of what? Scared that I wouldn't listen to you?" His voice began to rise in volume causing me to cringe. "I don't understand it, Suhan. You're avoiding me like the fucking plague for no reason! Do you know how annoying that is? How frustrating you're being?"

I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes. I couldn't take this. "I'm trying to explain, Kyungsoo! And you're just yelling at me!" I turned away from him and walked out the door.

Most of the other members were out in the living room just sitting around. I was sure everyone in the dorm heard from the way they all looked at me when I walked out. "Don't you have anything else to do other than listening to our conversation?" I lashed out.

"Well we can't exactly help it, now can we?" Tao retorted sarcastically from his spot beside Sehun, earning a slap from Junmyeon. "What? It's not like the walls are the thickest."

"I could say the same about your dick," Sehun replied casually, immediately melting the tension in the room. Everyone stared at him blankly before cracking up. Even I cracked a smile. Tao scoffed and flicked his forehead. I was going to miss them.

"Suhan-ah you got something in the mail," Yixing called and tossed an envelope to me.

"Gomawo," I replied and walked into my room. I flopped on my bed and ripped open the envelope, expecting some cell phone bill or something. Instead came a plane ticket. I was to leave in less than a week.

I sat and stared at the ticket for what seemed like forever. It was finally time for me to leave. I felt the tears from earlier threaten to return, and I choked back a sob. I gritted my teeth and looked out the window when suddenly the door burst open. Jongdae stood in the doorway with his eyebrow raised.

"Why are you so quiet? You usually have music playing or something." He moved closer, and I tried hiding the ticket behind my back, but not before he caught sight of it. "Suhan-ah, what are you hiding?" I tried playing it off, but he wasn't taking any crap. "Give it to me."

He moved fast, reaching behind my back, but I was faster. I yanked it out of his reach and tossed it on a nearby shelf that was far taller than him or me. He pouted and walked out the door. "Fine."

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