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You were a few meters away from your middle school when you let loose. Throwing your head in your hands, you groaned, "I can't believe this." You walked a few more steps, stopping once you were under the Sakura Tree in front of the store that sat on the side of your school, "ahhhaaaaawhyyyyyy..." you whined.

You didn't see him, but you felt a shiver run through your body as he passed. The air around him was freezing, but in this summer heat, it felt like the ocean. You removed your hands and watched him as he passed you, he looked more stoic than when you saw him in the hallway.

"Uh..." you tilted your head, "Todoroki?" But he didn't hear you, he walked into the store–Ringojusu–(which translates to Apple Juice in English). You watched him trot in, stared at the window for a little bit, then turned and began heading home.

"That's an odd coincidence." You mumbled, looking around. This year would be your last year of middle school. You were really excited to finish the year. Yes, you would miss your friends, Okumura Rin,  Kojima Hikari, and Ikeda Aoi,  but you were excited and although Hikari was planning to apply to UA like you, you didn't want to get your hopes up.

By the time you got home, you were a sweating mess. You kept thinking about the boy with the two-toned hair color. The only reason you recognized him at Katuski's school was that your brother had mentioned him over and over, and well with that hair it wasn't all that complicated to understand why your brother called him "Icy-Hot" 

You wondered what his quirk was, was it something hot like Katsuki's? Or maybe it was something cold, like ice or snow. That would certainly explain why the air around him was cold when he passed you, but it wasn't just when he passed you after school, earlier today, in the morning he had passed you and the air felt ice cold. It was thick and a little hard to breathe. 

That feeling of uneasiness came back. You shivered and tried to push Todoroki away from the front of your thoughts. Throwing your school bag on your desk, you went to go lay down. You needed to figure out how you were going to tell your mom you had to retake your math finals in the summer. She was going to be pissed, that's for sure.

You heard your front door slam shut and you knew Katsuki was home, you felt sweat drip down your brow even though the air conditioner was on. "Y/N!" There it was, but you expected it so you weren't completely scared. 

You heard him run up the stairs, he stopped in front of your door huffing and puffing. "Yes, dear brother that I love so much?"

"Open this door right now!" He jingled the handle.

"It's not locked." You frowned, standing up, "what do you want anyway?" You swung open the door, an innocent and confused expression spreading across your face. 

He glared down at you, your brother was definitely the older one of you two. It was obvious in many things. Height for one, he was 5'8 and you were 5'5, he was muscular and you were getting there. The one other main thing, the other obvious thing that separated you were your eyes. Yes, you both had that blood-red pupil color, but his eyes showed history, emotion, and knowledge. You could tell he'd been imprinted on and that he would leave his own mark on the world one day. 

You, on the other hand, were known, still innocent, a baby in other words. A toddler. Sometimes you wondered if that's why Katuski called you that, maybe he could tell, that you were just a babe. Not yet ready for the world, you honestly hoped that wasn't the truth because you wanted him to see you as you saw him, something to be admired.

"Why did you give my lunch to Icy-Hot!?" 

"It's not like that," you waved your hands in front of you, "he was just there."

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