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"Where are you going?" Katuki asks, standing behind you as you sit and shove your shoes on. It confuses you as you work your way around him, because why would he care where you're going? All the same though, you don't hate it. Katsuki actually showing some interest in you makes you want to float to the moon and back, shoving it in his face, but that's just a small daydream.

Sighing with a calm smile resting on your face, you stand up and head for the door, "out. The hospital." Was all you said, even though you wished you'd say more, you couldn't find it in you to want to.

Katsuki played with his foot on the floor, "want me to come?" You freeze up, he's been acting stranger and stranger each day, or maybe it's just you. For some reason, possibly because you're lying to him, you feel the need to talk more and therefore you've been avoiding him because if you didn't he would surely know something was up with you. Despite the amount of time you spend apart, he's always been able to do that. Always had that connection with you.

"No. Thanks. I'm fine." You feel the intensity of his eyes at the back of your head, so you turn around and throw a smile at him, a big one, "I'm just going out, the guys aren't coming today. Really, so don't worry, okay?"

"Yeah, whatever." He tsked as he drags his feet across the wood and back toward the living room.

You hated lying to your brother, yes, but you also thought about why you were lying, taking into account his temper and clear hatred for it.

Finally slipping out the front door, you felt bad for using Aoi as an excuse to leave alone, but he'd never know, and it wasn't a big deal really. Right? You shook your head not wanting to think about it anymore.

You'd been meeting up with Todoroki more often than not, although most of these days you'd been meeting him outside of a hospital, preferably by yourself, although your friends had found out early on, they'd agreed to not say anything to Ktsuki–thank god–even if it meant certain death.

You appreciated their confidentiality, but you still couldn't let it slip that you'd been seeing Todoroki using Aoi as an excuse because well that just wasn't something that was thrown out so casually.

You were swinging your tote bag around, which didn't hold anything yet, you and Todoroki were going to a flea market and who knows what you'd find today! During the past couple of hang-out sessions, you'd helped Todoroki master the art of smiling and knocked out three emotions: anger, which was the first one: the key focus being his father, making it a lot easier than all the other ones.

The next one had been disgust, which to Todoroki was not surprisingly enough, again: his father. But you wanted him to learn actual disgust, not just the people kind, more like farts and pet peeves.  The last one you had successfully worked on was fear, which kind of went into the same category as disgust. For example, you were afraid of bugs, but I mean who wasn't, but you were also disgusted by bugs.

Therefore, in your mind, they were very similar. However, your main goal was to track and pin down Todoroki's mental and physical fears, it took a lot longer than the first two, but that's what you were here for, and so you didn't complain.

Todoroki had been acting a little more like a regular human being every time you came into contact with him. You weren't afraid to admit it, well maybe to your brother, but you were extremely proud of how far he'd come.

There were only five more emotions you had to teach him: sadness, happiness, determination, passion, and love. Today, you wanted to teach him determination, meaning you would have him accomplish a great feat, although you had no idea what the was going to be yet, and you would promise him a prize if he accomplished it. Perfectly teaching him "determination".

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