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Shoto knew he needed to tell you, it wasn't fair that he got you all to himself while the person who should take credit for this outcome sat at home, worrying if you'd ever talk to him again.

You boarded the train, Shoto right on your tail. You sat in the front, finding comfort in the small light that came through the windows. Shoto took your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips. His kiss was gentle and kind. Even so, it prickled your skin, sending jolts of warmth through you.

You smiled at him, blushing all the way through your skin, although it made it seem like you were glowing so you weren't too mad.

"Hey," he said, turning more toward you. The train came to a halt, and a light buzz of chatter came through and out the doors as people left and entered the train. The engine making a slight noise.

"Yeah?" You answer attention back on him.

"So, last night."

Your body tenses, you still didn't want to talk about last night. It was just a little too much, "Sho, I don't..." you shake your head, feeling a few tears start to form in your eyes.

Shoto nods, rubbing his thumb in soothing circles on your dorsal, "I know," he says, "I just," he bites his lips, turns away, then back, "there's something I have to tell you."

Your frown deepens, but you force it into a strait line. "Okay, what?"

Shoto takes a deep breath, showing how uncomfortable he is, he definitely knew how to show emotions, you don't know if he knows he's doing it or not. It possibly has just become natural, like it was always meant to be. "Last night, when I found you on the bench..." you nod, "someone called me, he said he knew you ran off somewhere over here," Shoto motioned, "because of your phone."


"Your brother, Bakugo, he's the one that called me, he knew I was going home yesterday because I was telling Midoriya about it, he said he'd overheard our conversation. 

You didn't stop to think about how Katsuki had Shoto's phone number, you just asked, "how did he find me?"

"A tracker, on your phone." 

You cursed, Shoto gripped your hands, "that stupid find your family app."

"Hey," Shoto brought your face toward his with his right hand, "he's the reason I knew you were in Musutafu, the reason I was able to find you in the first place."

"My parents could have done the same thing."

"Your parents don't have my number."

"Yes, how does my brother have your number?" 

"Class 1A group chat."

You turned away.

"Please," Shoto said, and it sounded like he really was pleading with you, "don't stay mad at him forever. I will talk to Bakugo about this," he held up your hands, then pulled you into his chest. "You," he kissed the side of your cheek as you leaned into him, "you talk to him about what's important."

"This is important." 

You tried to sit up, but Shoto pulled you back down, "I know, believe me," he eyed you, "I know."

You sigh, nuzzling your head into his arm, "but..." 

He sighs as well, "but, I need you to know that if it wasn't for Bakugo, I wouldn't be here right now and most likely neither would you."

You narrowed your eyes, avoiding his, to stare out the windows on the other side. "Alright, but I'm not promising anything. I'm still mad."

"And I understand that of course, you would be mad, who wouldn't? ...But don't hold a grudge."

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