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Todoroki was so cute eating his cold soba, even though you despised him for eating it cold freaking soba! It was still cute how he slurps up his noodles. Fawning over him in your head–you've decided just recently–is not the same as doing it in real life, meaning it is okay to fawn over him and flirt with him, and have very adorably romantic scenarios about him in your head–wait WHAT THE HELL were you saying?! You absolutely were not going to think about Todoroki in a romantic way, because you did not like him like that! You didn't.

You inhaled a breath slowly and exhaled with the same speed. At this time, Todoroki–with his head so close to his bowl you were surprised his hair wasn't in the brother–looked over at you and caught you off guard with his cheeks filled up like a skunk, he smiled and you almost fell off your stool with laughter. He looked like a chipmunk as he swallowed the noodles in his mouth. 

He looked up, his face back to his signature stoicism that you have now defined as Shoroki Syndrome. Aligning his last and the first name together gave you the perfect name for it. He tilted his head to the side in another Shoroki Syndrome-like manner, "is something wrong? You keep staring at me."

"No, sorry." You look away, unbeknownst to you of the reasoning your heart skipped a beat just now.

"Really?" He leans his head in. To others, it might seem as if Todoroki was suggesting something, when in fact he was but not in the way they would think. Another effect of the Shoroki Syndrome. 

You blinked quickly as if something were in your eyes, "yes?" Oh shit, did your voice really just do that?! Did it really just crack on you?! You wanted to cry, to die, to fade into the abyss, Jesus, where was Katsuki when you needed him the most!?

Todoroki eyed you down for a moment, before sitting back down in his chair, you watched him carefully, at a far and safe distance away. It took you a moment to identify what the small quiver of his lip meant, but that didn't;t mean you were eased into the realization. That the tiny tremor of Todoroki's lip was him holding back a smile, that was him playing coy! 

So, Todoroki wasn't as emotionless as he came off to be, you jerked your head to the opposite side of his and huffed, "you knew what you were doing didn't you?"

You couldn't see him, but you heard him losing the battle of keeping that indifferent, playful smile from spreading across his lips as he said, "I'm stoic, not clueless."

WELL, APPARENTLY NOT! You thought both embarrassed and a little bit annoyed. You fought your inner self to keep the redness in your cheeks at bay, but you were afraid you had lost that battle long ago.

"So tell me something," You say, fiddling with your noodles, "do you hate my brother?"

A small tiny gasp escapes his lips, a ghostly thing, but still alive, "no," you turn your head to look him in the eyes, but your eyes travel down to his lips as soon as they landed, "I don't." For THE LOVE OF THE GREEK GODS! You were going to faint, no doubt about it now. How could one person be so cute when saying something so damn serious?! 

"Okay," you cleared your throat a second time to clear the air and hopefully help calm yourself down. It worked a little, "that's good to know–

"Why did you ask? Did he say something about me?" Todoroki's eyes burned with something a lot similar to anger. A small flair came up on his left side. A small thing that had caught on his hair. You gasped and so did he, grabbing the same strand he was playing with earlier and putting out the flame. "Sorry." He looked back down at his hands, you couldn't help but stare at him serenely.

"It's fine Todoroki," you waved awkwardly, "but does that always happen?" Needless to say, you were stunned, but also astounding. Todoroki's quirk was both fire and ice, yes you learned this at the sports festival, however, he didn't seem to want to use his fire side for some reason and oud drew from this encounter that it was because he could not yet fully control his left side, which is why he didn't use it on your brother during their fight. 

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