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Just what did he have to tell you? Exactly what was so important that he needed to talk to you after the sports festival? You clutched your head in hard confusion, Hikari seemed to take notice and asked, "what's up with you?"

"What?" You look up from your hands. 

Hikari frowns, scratching his head, and looking back, "I just mean you've been acting weird."

"Oh, sorry." You apologize, not sure what else to say on the matter.

Hikari stared at you for a second, as if the answer would suddenly appear if he concentrated hard enough. Such notion was similar to his quirk,  Stalker. It let him know the name, age, and quirk rundown of anyone's body he looked in the eye. It was extremely useful for making great tactics on the battlefield. That mind combined with his agile capabilities would make in an amazing hero.

You smiled internally, thinking about your friend's power, how there was no way he would not be on this field at the same time next year. You hoped you would be down there with him, you would surely try, and even if it didn't seem likely, you would ask Katsuki to help you train. 

You watched as the festival came to a close, your brother doing his absolute best to refuse the gold medal. He really set up a podium for you, didn't he? 

"Your brother really is amazing," Hikari says with his wide eyes, you follow them, landing back on your brother.

 You grin, pulling out your phone. "Just something for the road." You mumble, clicking the camera app.

Zooming in, your phone camera accidentally lands on Todoroki. Blushing, you move it away and take a few photos of Katuski. Then on some type of impulse, you move your phone camera back to Todoroki and snap a single photo. You don't know why you did it, but you did and hid your phone as soon as it did.

What were you thinking> First of all why did you take a photo of him in the first place? Your mind was spinning out of control at the thought of someone seeing you. You needed to delete it, and get rid of any evidence that the picture ever existed. That was the right thing to do, the most logical, so why couldn't you?

Your finger hovered above the delete button, but you just couldn't. A pit in the low of your stomach prevented you from moving. A gutless thing that made you sick. You felt faint, felt like you might just pass out on the seat like a fish out of water.

"Y/n?" It was Hikari, you turn your head looking up, questioning and anxious expression spreading across your face. You hoped he didn't see you. He tilted his head to the side and stared at you intent on figuring out what exactly was going on with you and why.

He leaned forward and you had the right idea to lean back, but his hand followed. His bright gray eyes pierced yours with concern, they moved up and toward your forehead where his hand was currently attached. He nodded like he'd concluded his answer.

"Your sick." 


"You have a fever, a high one." 

"What?" You repeated. 

He shrugged his shoulders, "your heart rate was beating and 5 per second, and your face was red." 

"Oh." Then it occurred to you that Hikari had just told you your exact heart rate, how? You looked back at him, but seeing the little quirk of the right side of his lip and his finger coming up to it kept you quiet.

"Out secret." You nodded, a wavering smile coating your lips.

"Hey, Bakugo's ready to go." Rin appeared out of nowhere, "your parents sent me to come to get you." It was odd, you looked back down at the podium and sure enough, your brother was gone, along with the rest of the winners.

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