Chapter 24 - Final preparation (Part 1)

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Bradwr had not changed; Navy blue spiky hair like a deep ocean, white skin tone like snow, and blue eyes glistened as waves of water moved. Under his eyes, it was dark like coal. The birds whistled happily, and the sun glowed brightly.

"What did you want to talk about?" Bradwr asked, scratching the back of his head.

"Do you think the humans & elves stand a chance against the Virta?" I asked in a sharp and serious tone.

"At their current rate, they might handle normal soldiers, although retainers & scythes might be a distinct problem." He answered in a worried tone.

"What do you we should do?" I asked out of ideas.

"I think we should proceed normally. You can take scythes and retainers yourself with Scarlett." Bradwr said. 

A few months later...

A rainbow of books, bright red walls that look like apples, brown bookshelves that look like barks, and a rainbow of books. The white hardwood floor and vibrant green plants, as well as a black window with water like translucent glass. The wooden desk is on a nice black carpet.

Aladdin sat in a ponytail, his golden hair pushed back. His legs trembled ceaselessly while his gaze rested on the floor. Aladdin's eyes overflowed with black bags that have become as dull as coal. His eyes opened with a deadpan expression.

The brown wooden door trembled and clashed as Aladdin regained awareness, ringing across the chamber.

"Enter," Aladdin said, his voice worn and aged.
"Was it two months?" the guy said, smirking.

"Mantra?" As his eyes widened and his jaws clenched, he murmured.
"Don't be like this, please. I'd prefer for you to take action." Mantra stated with a smile on his face.
"What do you want?" Aladdin shuddered as his heartbeat quickened.
"In a nutshell, I'd like you to assemble various squads to clear the Beast Glades." As he took a seat, Mantra spoke plainly.
"Why should we do that?" Aladdin thought as he stated.

"Alacryans could corrupt the beasts there in the feature, take it as a precaution." Mantra explained.

"I would also like for you to build a wall that surrounds the whole of the Beast Glades to not make their escape," Mantra ordered Aladdin.

"Yes, sir," Aladdin said with a crack in his voice.

"I expect it done in six months." Mantra said.

Months later...

The forest was green with extensive woods like skyscrapers. The wind blew vigorously, loaded with grime and leaves. The scorching sun brightened the area as it whistled wildly. Birds hissed harmoniously as they crowded the territory.

The wall stood strong, painted with grey-stone. The foundation was enclosed with a rigid material that was solid as diamonds. Humans and elves of all races swarmed the area as they held a stern expression and their bodies jolted.

The wall had a gate in the middle as it was intercepted with a wooden latch and crawled with guards all over it. Individuals piled on the peak, displaying a green cloak with their long ears projecting through with darts on them.

They all grimmed from sweat as they wore a stale expression. They had been defending the wall for too long as they foresaw an attack. There were several meetings occurring constantly, generally taking hours if not days.

"So this is the wall, huh?" Mantra directed at Luan

"Although it seems kind of bland to me, where's the decoration?" Luan mentally addressed Mantra.

"We're in a moment of war; who has time for fineries?" Mantra sighed, "Let's continue our way. I would like to know what's going on currently."

The parliament walls peeled off, reeking the smell of musk. The windows were stale and covered with dust. The door gathered grime, and the neighboring square was damp. The guards stood and displayed a drained character.

Mantra moved closer as the guards growled and unseathed their weapons. A delighted expression was produced as he said, "I'm certain pointing weapons at high-ranking individuals isn't acceptable, is it?"

The guards wore a dismayed look as Mantra showed them the insignia. Bowing down, they uttered loudly, "We're sorry, sir!"

"Wow, such a siginifciant character showing these peasants their place!" Luan chortled as Mantra avoided him.

"Commander!" Alan said surprised, "You should've briefed us of your coming. We didn't prepare anything."

Mantra examined the chamber as the advisors wore a startled grin and muttered, "There is no need for such things. We're in an era of war, Alan." Every cent should be paid for our forces. "

Valdis chuckled and said, "Spoken like a true commander!"

Mantra took a seat as he pressed, "Now, let us not waste anytime. Fill me in on the details of what happened over the last few weeks. "

Amy held a gloomy expression and said, "Well, our current supplies aren't enough to keep our soilders well fed." We tried sending letters to the capital, but none of the masseurs have returned so far.

"So that explains why the soldiers looked so fatigued and drained." Luan said.

Mantra processed and said, "Well, I will send some soldiers to investigate, and for the supplies..."

Mantra circulated aether into his rune as it glimmered, and lots of wooden brown crates appeared. The advisers held an astonished expression at the extent of the containers that they saw.

Alan stuttered in awe as he said, "Where did you get all of this, commander?" This is an unbelievable amount of supply. We surely could brighten our fighters' minds for a few months."

Mantra carried a sweet expression as it seemed to the atmosphere lightened up and said, "Don't perceive it, consider it a refreshment for what troops do." Anyways, more importantly, we have something to discuss.

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