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I winced as the hot coffee hit my tongue. It was March but it still didn't feel like iced coffee time yet. My phone stayed near me this entire week. I couldn't let it go after Sam and I made it official. Only my mom knew though, I knew my dad's response would not be that positive. 

"Hey, mom can I go to Teagan's tonight?" I took a sip of my coffee and flipped my phone over ignoring y desperation to get a notification. My mom wasn't stupid when it came to me sneaking out, but Teagan is an expert at it and she swore this would work. 

Mom lifted a brow at me. "I have work tomorrow ask your dad." I sighed and nodded. My mom still looked up to me from her laptop. "How's you and the boyfriend?" 

"Why'd you say it like that?" I groaned, rolling my eyes. 

"What I can't know, you refuse to tell me anything." 

"I've told you things!"

"Dani." She warned.

"Ugh, fine!" I groaned once again. "What do you wanna know?"

"He's a freshman as well, right?"

"He's actually a sophomore, but he's slightly younger than the rest of his grade so he's only half a year older than me." I wasn't sure if my mom would disapprove of me dating a guy a grade older than me, so I decided to add the last part in. She nodded and looked up, thinking of another question. 

"I think this is the most important part, is he cute?" My eyes widened causing her to do her snort-laugh. "I'm joking, is he nice?"

"Yeah, he's really good to me." I smiled down at my brown coffee just thinking of the swoon-worthy texts he would send to me. 

"Well, that's great." Her mouth opened to ask another question when her phone rang suddenly. "That might work. Ask your dad about you and Teagan tonight." I nodded as she answered the phone stepping out of the kitchen. 

I turned my phone over one last time to check for a message before silencing it and shoving it into the pockets of my pajama bottoms. 


"I can't believe they agreed to it," Teagan said through the phone. 

"Me neither, I did bring my grades up though so that might have earned something." We sat in silence for a second while I heard Teagan ruffle through papers.

"Okay the party starts officially at nine, but the Schwartz's close friends are gonna be there at eight. Parents are out for the weekend so we don't have to worry. I say I pick you up at six-thirty..." Teagan rambled on but my thoughts continued wandering to Sam. 

He was going to be at the party, and something about us being alone in such an atmosphere made me feel all sorts of emotions. "Earth to Dani?" I snapped out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah, that sounds great."

"You good girl?"

"I'm fine, it's just Sam has been on my mind." I felt comfortable talking about boys to Teagan, she knew so much about dating and all this crap. More than I did. 

"Sounds like the blissful early relationship stage." I rolled my eyes.

"I feel so stupid for being so obsessed with him," I admitted. And it was true, ever since we started dating and I told my mom he was the first person I looked for in the halls and the last person I said goodbye to. And then the first person to text once I got home. There was a long silence. "Earth to Tee." I repeated her words from earlier, Teagan laughed from the other end but it sounded off. 

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