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A/N: This photo kinda reminded me of Elle and Felix


Felix stood tall in front of the bookshelf, too engulfed in the spines of the books to notice someone had entered the aisle. I took my chance and pounced on him, wrapping my hands around his waist and resting my head against his back. "Hey, you," I whispered. I heard him laugh as he turned around and embraced me back, placing soft kisses on the crown of my head. 

"I thought you were spending a day with your family-" I froze when I lifted up my letter from Boston University. 

"Read it," I whispered, looking deep into the brown eyes, but his focus was solely on the letter. He took the envelope from me and read it. His eyes widened and his smile grew showing off those dimples. 

"Oh my god, Elle." He breathed, reading it over once again. 

"I know I actually cried." He pulled me to his chest and squeezed me tight, only letting go to put his lips on mine. I giggled as he kissed me on the forehead then my eyebrows, my nose, cheeks, jaw... "Felix!" I tried keeping my voice down in the library. 

"I just can't believe this is happening." He ran a hand through his curls. Since the beginning of sophomore year, we planned to go to the same college. Felix wanted a teaching degree whereas I wanted to do journalism. BU was a great school and we both seemed keen to go, it wasn't either of our first choice but we made it work. 

"I know," I whispered. He kissed me again this time with more passion, I practically moaned into his mouth. My eyes shot open at that and I felt embarrassed at the noise. Felix didn't seem to care as he linked an arm around my shoulder and walked me out. "Didn't you come here for a book?" I asked looking back to the building. 

"I couldn't care less about the book." I laughed and he kissed my head once again, not once letting me go as we walked to the nearest park cafe. My chest felt lighter now that life was finally working out. 



"I'm just going with a couple of friends." Felix had his arms crossed as he stared at me through the bathroom mirror. 

"In that?" He gestured to my short skirt and tight tank top. We were both ready to be seniors and be finished with the stress of junior year. 

I groaned. "Yes, okay it's a party, not a church service, and you are free to come if you'd like."

"But Elle, you only told me about this party now." I rolled my eyes and knocked into him as I went back to my bedroom to find shoes. 

"I only found out about it recently. It's just some friends." He still didn't look convinced. I walked over to him and hugged him, leaning onto my toes to give him a peck on the lips. "I haven't had a friend group like this since freshman year, it feels good to have these teenage experiences before college." He nodded. 

"But you've been clean and I don't want them peer pressuring you-"

"You don't think I can stand my ground and say no?" I gave him a pout. He hated when I vaped, he was so proud when I went six months clean and so was I. I still drank a bit but not as much. 

"It's not that, I trust you completely. I just want you to be safe." He cupped my face and put his forehead against mine. "Please be careful and text me if you need anything." 

"I will." I gave him a kiss on the nose. "And I will have my phone on me the entire time." He smiled looking more comforted at that. 

"Change your skirt, it's too short." I rolled my eyes.

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