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TW: Sexual Assult, PTSD, and brief mention of addiction


Rays of sunlight filtered through my thin drapes waking me up. I will admit, that sleep has come a whole lot easier without my phone pulling me towards it. Although it still sucked. 

All the plans I made for these ten weeks were gone with no one to them. I sighed at the thought of spending my summer with Teagan, Sam, and the big group I used to spend time with. At the same time though, I loved not having them with me now. I've never hated but missed someone at the same time. 

I dragged my feet down the hall as I entered the kitchen. Dad still wouldn't make eye contact with me the same way. They found out everything. The vaping, the alcohol, sneaking out, the boys, and what Sam would text me and ask me to do. I think I hated him the most. 

"Morning dad." I greeted him and he simply grunted a morning. "Wheres mom?" I asked looking around desperate to see her. 

"Work." He responded not lifting his head from his phone. 

"Gotchya." He finally looked up as I poured myself cereal and oat milk. I could have milk it just disgusted me beyond comprehension. 

"Your mom and I were talking." I brought my gaze to him with complete focus. I didn't need him more on edge than he already was. "We think it might be good if you took some time to yourself this summer." I furrowed my eyebrows not understanding him. "She said that you had a rough start, and I agree. But this summer you should go out and find a hobby or something." 

I winced at his words. "A hobby?" As if I didn't have one, I left the latter bit out. 

"Yeah mom left her library card, you can use it and go out. Just find something to do." He returned his attention back to his phone immediately. I still was confused about the whole hobby thing. Did they truly believe I was that bored? I finished my breakfast and went back to my room to get ready. 

"I want you back at 12:30 latest!" My dad called out as pulled my boke out of the garage. I nodded only rolling my eyes once I turned around. I took off through the neighborhood taking in the beautiful summer morning. I would never admit it, but this did feel better than me moping around in my room the past week after school ended. 

My week was spent mainly trying to forget about mine and Teagan's downfall. Turns out I should have trusted my gut. Sam was cheating on me, that much we covered. But to cheat on me with my best friend was like being shot square in the chest. 

The library finally came into view. It was right next to the park, so I didn't have to take the busy roads to get there. Riding through the green fields was also pretty calming. I grabbed my bag from the bike's basket and walked in through the doors. 

It was bigger than I expected. It was also big from the outside but it served as kind of a convention center, so I assumed the library was just a small part of it. I opened up my phone to see the books we needed for next year. Macbeth and Antigone were the only ones I saw in the email. I knew there were two or three more but they weren't listed yet. 

Maneuvering through the rows of shelves, I finally came to the classics. I kept my gaze on the books looking for the ones I needed. I yelped when something hard knocked into my shoulder. A book dropped to the floor. I looked up to see a boy, around my age with wide eyes through his circular glasses. 

"I-I'm so sorry about that." He rushed out picking up his book. I rolled my eyes to see Frankenstein on the cover. 

"No, it's okay." 

"Sometimes I just get so distracted that I can't even focus on the world around me." I smiled at that. Something about this guy made me feel so calm. 

"for school?" I asked, pointing to the book in his hands. He smiled once again, revealing a set of dimples that did things to my heart. 

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