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All kinds of colors filled my vision as I stared at the shelves filled with all kinds of supplies. "Oh, they have a 64 crayon box!" My mom exclaimed, pulling down the box. 

"She's a sophomore, not a second-grader."

"They still color in high school Al." She snapped back, returning her attention back to me. "What do you think Dani?"

"I think the colored pencils you got me last year will do just fine." Mom made a pouty face as she set the crayons back. 

"Folders?" Dad hollered from down the aisle. I rushed over and looked them all over. Most people carried binders but they were always too bulky and unnecessary for me. 

"Do you see any packs of them?" I asked, mom finally let herself go from the art supplies and helped look for the sets. 

"Here," Dad muttered handing me a pack of five. 

"Yeah that works!"

"Great! Can we go?" There was some kind of sports game on tonight and dad was adamant on only getting the necessities then 'getting the hell out of there' to phrase his words. 

"All you've done is whine, old man," Mom muttered the last bit under her breath. I chuckled to myself. 

"Good news, I think we're all done." 

"But what about the lunchboxes? I also saw some really cute pencil cases just over-"

"Em, she said she's done now let's go." He clapped his hands together ushering us back to the self-checkout. 

"I'm so upset that I'll miss your first day of school." Mom pouted as we all helped unload the cart. 

"Relax, I'm not graduating." 

"It's different when you're a parent though. Every milestone is an important one." Dad added. 

"And I don't want your dad taking the photos!" Mom moaned causing dad to roll his eyes. We quickly paid and walked to the parking lot. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to invite Felix over for smores tomorrow night?" Mom said to me from the driver's seat as she pulled out.

"But it's a school night?" I would love nothing more than to have that, but it wasn't like my parents to allow such lenience when school days or nights were involved. Especially since I was still technically grounded for going against those rules. 

"We won't be late, it'll be more of an evening. Plus I get off work early that afternoon since I'm working the morning." She paused waiting for a time as I thought. "We can drop him off." She added wiggling an eyebrow at me through the review mirror. 

"Okay." I smiled. "I'll ask." Mom nodded and the rest of the car ride stayed quiet while mom and dad argued over who's playlist would play. My mom's music was obviously the one chosen in the end. Once we arrived in our driveway and I hopped out and grabbed a couple of bags from the trunk ad rushed inside to text Felix. 


Heyyyyyy! Wanna come over tomorrow night for some smores? It'll be an early evening so don't worry about school, and we can pick up/drop you off. 

I held a breath and let the messages send. Something about texting him always had me anxious. It wasn't like that in person though. I set my phone down and packed my new school supplies in my bag. After a few minutes of organizing, I checked my phone. My heart rate picked up at the sight of his name. 


Would love to! Lemme ask Reuben (moms outta town) 

Just then I heard my mom call me down for dinner. "Coming!" I shouted and texted him. 

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