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My mind was everywhere else other than the PSAT practice packet. It wasn't a real test so I didn't care too much, despite Felix telling me I should care a lot more. The library was quiet and pretty empty, with most students out of campus on the off period. 

I checked my messages to see when the drinks would be coming. I wanted coffee so I begged Felix to come with me to get some. He said yes, but made me stay here to study while he went to get the teas. It was so strange being so clingy to someone all of a sudden, mom said it was normal for new couples. But it was unusual for me so I felt embarrassed by my moodiness when he wasn't around. 

Sighing, I opened up my computer to type up the essay I had due. We only had two weeks until winter break so I was trying my best to work as hard as possible before vacation. Snow was built up on the windows making it even chillier, plus this school was always either too hot or way too cold. 

I pulled my sweater tighter around me and continued typing while having High Hopes playing through my earphones, it had only just come out and I was excited to listen to it. I was pulled out of my work when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Felix lifted the holder of coffees and Starbucks bags in his hands. I ripped my earphones out and got up to help him. 

"Okay, so butter croissant and a coffee cake." He gestured to the two bags. "And your White Chocolate mocha." He propped the festive cup down. "You know there's like a lot of sugar in there."

"Don't care." I smiled taking a sip. I moaned after the first sip, tipping my head back dramatically. Felix shook his head and took a sip of his drink. "Thanks for the drinks." I picked up the plain croissant. "And the food," I added taking a bite.

"No problem." He broke off a piece of his coffee cake as he pulled his laptop out of his bag. "How's studying going?" He gestured to the forgotten packet beside me. 

"Good." I lied. 

"I was wondering..." He paused swallowing hard. His voice lowered as he looked at the four other people around us. "I know you don't do dances, but do you wanna maybe go to the winter formal with me?" His olive cheeks burned with pink. His eyes wandered everywhere else but meeting mine. I placed my fingers under his chin and forced him to face me. 

"I would love to." I smiled. He flashed his slightly uneven teeth as he smiled. I loved that his teeth weren't perfect though, no one was perfect. Neither of us were, but we were perfect for each other. I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and went back to my work. Both of us smiled like psychos for the rest of the period. 

"We should go see a movie, the new one that's based on the book. The really hot bisexual actress is in it." Felix looked up to the ceiling and thought as we walked together down the hall. 

"Oh, Minds something." 

"Darkest Minds!" I shouted a bit too loud. Some people turned to look at me but I shook them off. Felix laughed revealing his dimples. 

"Okay well find tickets for tonight."


He shrugged. "Why not?" 

"Well, it's kinda short notice." I rubbed the back of my neck. He usually didn't like making plans last minute. 

"Well I'm spending time with you tonight whether it's a movie or straight-up lying in bed talking about-" He paused. "What's that ridiculous question you asked me last week." 

"Okay umm that was not ridiculous and that was Tuesday." He nodded and kept a firm gaze on me I groaned and repeated the question. "If a person has eight vaginas could they be called an octa-pussy." Felix laughed and continued walking away from me. 

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