Chapter 2: A kiss will do

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I raised an eyebrow and scanned the girl over with my dark hazel eyes. She had to be kidding; this was some kind of a sick joke. No way could a girl that looked so beautiful and sweet be a demon. Demons didn't even exist, they weren't real. If she was a demon then where were the horns or the scales? Ashton Kutcher was probably going to jump out of the woods with a camera any second.

"I'm serious, where did you come from?"

She couldn't fool me that easy.

"I'm serious, I came from Hell. You are looking to strike a deal, aren't you?" The girl folded her arms over her chest and gave off an irritated look.

"So your saying that you are a demon." I stated the obvious.

The girl rolled her eyes at me. "Are we making a deal or not Human? I haven't got all day."

I opened my mouth to speak but words refused to come out. A demon was standing in front of me, yet she seemed perfectly human to me. As a matter of fact, she looked no older than 20. Maybe they used humans for skin? Was that the deal now a days?

"I'll take care of her, Lupy." A young man's voice came from my back side.

I nearly yelped and turned back around to see a man who was handsome with thick dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. His attire didn't seem too special, just a plain white shirt and some dark jeans that showed off his nice features. Tattoos decorated his arms and man did they look good on him. I normally didn't stare at men but this one. . . Hello!

"Don't you have better things to do than to deal with a human?" Lupy spat.

Well, thanks for making me feel so special.

"I said, I will take care of her." He spoke in a tone that made the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I turned to look for Lupy but she was gone.

"Eliza, I presume." He brought my attention back to him. "I'm Damon, nice to meet you." He held out his big hand.

I looked at his hand then back into his eyes. How did I know these people weren't serial killers? They kept popping up out of no where. Something about them made me feel queasy. My whole body was screaming at me to run away but I didn't want to. If I could save my brother then I would like to do what ever it takes.

Gather your courage and take his hand before you blow it! My inner self practically screamed at me. I placed my hands in his and shook it. "How did you know my name?" I asked.

"It's sort of in the job description. If I didn't know your name before I would definitely have to know it now." His dark blue eyes scanned my face. "It's rare that I see such a beautiful girl here."

I pulled my hand out of his and tucked my hair behind my ear. Now I was getting nervous. "I'm not trying to sound rude or anything, but can you please tell me what is going on?"

He smirked and pointed at the old rugged sign. "You read the sign, which summons a demon so you can make a deal. I take it your here for your brother. You want him to wake up again, don't you?"

I stepped back to get distance between us. "What are you, some kind of stalker?"

Dumb question, Eliza.

Damon let out a chuckle. "I'm a demon, Eliza. I know a lot more about you than you think." He kicked one of the rocks and it scampered down the railroad tracks, making loud clunking sounds.

"This is crazy, I'm standing in the middle of the railroad tracks with some demon. This has got to be a dream." I ran a hand through my hair, flustered.

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