Chapter 14: And they say girls are useless

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A picture of Lupy up top

[Lupy POV] 

Lupy was searching the books in the library in a far corner so she was away from the annoying humans. It turned out "Lucifer's cage" was a dead end and she didn't know what to do. If she wanted to move up in ranks she had to help Damon kill Lucifer or at least dispose of him. But how the hell would a succubus beat the Devil? He was technically an angel but no one of the netherworld knew how to kill angels. That was angel business and she was far from any heavenly feathered creature, she was a demon.

If only she could get answers from the Devil himself. 'Hello Sir, you look hot today. Mind telling me how I could kill you? I would really appreciate it.' Yeah, that wasn't going to work. Even if she was stupid and pathetic enough to try it, the Devil was known for lying and manipulating. He was. . .Well; evil.

Her gentle green eyes landed on a book for witchcraft and a lightbulb went off in her head. Perhaps a spell would work or at least point to something. No one was immune to a witches spell. She had her hand on the spine of the book when she felt something inside her, calling her back to hell. Think of the Devil and he shall summon you they always say. Before making another move she peaked around the shelves to make sure she wasn't being watched before slowly dissapaiting in to thin air.

The world around her alternated and she found herself in the king's chamber. Everything was an angry red color. The walls, the the floor, even the sheets on the bed were a red color. Hell was always hot but when Lucifer was around the temperature dropped rapidly. Her breath clouded in front of her face and she searched the room with her eyes.

"Lupy, it's been a while." A silky smooth voice appeared behind her.

She turned around and came face to face with the Devil himself. He defiantely was a handsome creature. Many humans portrayed the Devil to have horns and a tail with hooved feet. That was all lies. He was the most beautiful creature she had seen who worn many different skin suits. Tonight he was possessing a man who had thick black hair and a very thin line of black fuzz on his jaw line. The man's chest was taut and ripped with muscles that complimented his body along with the tight clack jeans he was wearing.

The one thing that easily defined the Devil besides the sudden drop in temperature was his neon blue eyes. They burned so bright it was almost painful to look at them. Lupy swallowed her nerves in her throat and bowed with a smile.

"Lucifer." She greeted.

The Devil and Damon were the only two beings that she showed respect to due to the fact that  they held power over her. She fucked the Devil once and tried her damnest to avoid doing it again. Sex with the Devil was painful yet pleasurable at the same time. She hadn't been sure if she was screaming in pain or from the orgasms he had given her one right after the other. She didn't like the fact that he could make her melt into a puddle of sexual tension with just one look. She felt that it was her job to have the control, not lose it. However, she would have to put off her wants and focus on the need to distract the Devil from her plan.

"Do you need any assistance with anything?" She asked.

Lucifer's bright blue eyes practically burned the skin off the skin suit she was wearing.  "Just you." He grabbed a handful of her light blonde hair and pressed down.

The succubus sunk to her knees and was eye level with the waistline of his jeans. Beneath the jeans was a growing erection, begging to become free. She looked up at him with her soft green eyes and smiled.

And they say girls are useless.

[Eliza POV]

The church appeared small from the outside but on the inside there was plenty of room. The windows were painted with beautiful angels and other holy things. Beside me was Father Murphy dressed in a priest outfit. Father Murphy had been a family friend for my whole life and always helped when I needed it. His once dirty blonde hair was beginning to fade into a light grey color though his face still appeared to be of a 30-year-old.

"Father Murphy, how would someone get rid of a demon?" I asked as we sat on the wooden bench.

"Everyone has their own demons, Eliza." He was getting ready to start a lecture that I didn't have time for.

"Not those kind of demons." I shook my head. 

Father Murphy clutched his holy bible. "Eliza, why would you ask such a thing?" 

"Well. . .hypothetically speaking if I had a demon haunting me, how would I get rid of it?" I asked.

"Perhaps an exorcism."  He looked at me with concern. "Eliza, I've know your family since you were an infant, if there is something haunting you, I expect you to tell me."

I opened my mouth to speak but my mind brought me back to the night of the deal.

I think it would be in your best interest not to tell anyone about this.

Would there be consequences if I told Father Murphy? Do I risk anyone else if I explain my situation to him.   Something deep inside slammed in to the pit of my stomach, it was like a warning telling me to leave. Father Murphy was waiting for me to answer. I couldn't do it, I couldn't get anyone else hurt. 

"I'm sorry, I gotta go." I jumped up and ran right for the church doors with Father Murphy calling after me.

I had to go, I couldn't risk anyone else. My brother had already fell victim to the demon that was haunting me. If I seeked help what would really be the outcome? That would probably get my brother killed and who knows what else would happen. I made my way to the car and started fumbling with the keys. My heart suddenly started pounding and my body was screaming for me to leave, get as far away as I can. The Porsche purred to life and I was off heading down the road but was startled when my cell phone started to ring.


"When did you plan on telling me you quit your job?" Sarah's voice came from the other side of the line.

"What? I didn't-" 

"I just stopped by your job they said you quit yesterday. I tried calling you for days. Eliza, what the hell is going on with you?" Sarah snapped.

If I was a cartoon there would be a huge question mark over my head. My phone never alerted me of any missed calls. I was also sure if I quit my job I would remember. Why would I quit my job? I love my job.

"I guess I might have forgotten to mention it last night." Damon's voice appeared beside me.

I gasped and jumped at the sudden sound, the phone falling right from my hand. Damon was sitting in the passenger seat beside me. My foot slammed on the brake and I nearly went through the windshield. The demon was leaning back in the seat with his feet propped up against the dashboard as if nothing had happened. He was dressed casually in black pants and a white button-up shirt.

"What the fuck, Damon?" I snapped. "I could have just gotten in to an accident!"

He smiled before speaking in a nonchalant tone. "'Your about to be my wife, I would suggest you get used to it." He leaned forward to pick up my cell phone before hitting the end button.  

I started to press on the gas pedal. "What do you want?" I asked.

"Drive us home. I left a present for you on the table."

What kind of 'present' would a demon get me?  Someone's head on a platter? 

So sorry for the late update I hope you all enjoy the update. Please don't be afraid to vote, comment or follow if you like.

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