Chapter 12: Red dress dilemma

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Eliza's brother, Adam up top.

Damon was in the house. I knew the moment Lucky to crouch and whine. Yep the asshole was here and probably going to be pissed that I wasn't wearing the red dress. Too bad for him, I didn't want to marry a demon, now look at me. I leaned back in the kitchen chair and propped my feet on the table. Lucky yelped and scattered beneath the chair I was resting in.

"And she's not wearing the dress." Damon's voice came from behind me. "You know Eliza I do enjoy when your difficult." He ran his fingers through my hair ever so gently. "But today. . ." His fingers collected my hair in to a tough knot so he could show his hidden aggression. "Is not the day." He warned in such a calm tone it made my skin crawl. There was an unsettling feeling and I realized that I had just fucked up by playing little rebel instead of the obeying doll. "Get your brother out of the house and go put on the damn dress." 

"Hey Eliza, have you seen my-" Adam rounded the corner, dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a plain white shirt.

Shit! "No Adam, I haven't why don't you take my Porsche and go buy a new one." I didn't let him finish his question, I just wanted him as far away from Damon as possible.

I felt Damon release my hair and take a step back. Adam looked up at Damon then brought his dark brown eyes to me. A light smile appeared on his face as he stepped in to the kitchen. I wanted to scream 'just leave you idiot' but I didn't want him to think something was wrong. He couldn't know that I was shackled to a demon in a contract and that pretty soon I would be bound by a ring on the finger. My brother was always very protective of me and I couldn't let that get him killed.

"You must be Eliza's boyfriend." Adam noted.

Oh you have no idea.

Damon walked around me and held his hand out. "Yes, I'm Damon and you must be her brother, Adam."

Adam grabbed his hand and gave it a firm shake unaware of what lied beneath the surface. My gut squeezed in fear and a bunch of alarming bells went off in my mind. Damon was going to do something, I just didn't know who he would choose as his victim.

"Adam, you seem like a nice guy, I hope you understand this is nothing personal, it's all business. One might say I'm sorry, but I'm not." Damon release Adam's hand.

"For what?" Adam asked confused.

"For this." Damon held up his hand and I watched Adam begin to wince in pain.

Adam brought both hands to the back of his head and began to cry out in pain. A light screeching sound rang through my eardrums, he was doing something to Adam. I jumped out of the chair and went after the demon that was assaulting my brother. I didn't know what he was doing but I didn't like it. He had no right hurting Adam over my mistakes.

"Damon stop!" I shouted.

Damon gave me a simple glare and I felt an invisible force push down on my shoulders, causing me to drop to my knees. My eyes started to water as I searched my thoughts in a desperate attempt to save my brother. If only I had sent Adam out and put on that damn dress.

"Please make it stop!" Adam begged.

"Damon please stop I'll do whatever you want."

Damon's cold blue eyes met mine. "I do believe that was the whole point of our deal." He snapped.

"Please, I'll marry you willingly." I blurted out, not even thinking. "Just please stop it." I cried, trying to fight back the invisible force.

My brother was in so much pain, it was written all over his face. He kept opening his mouth trying to beg for Damon to stop but nothing came out. All he could do was cringe and scream. My brother was in pain and I couldn't help him. I couldn't rush to his aid, I couldn't tell him that it was going to be okay.

"You really don't know me that well yet Eliza, but you will soon enough. You will learn that I actually enjoy teaching you pathetic humans a lesson. The only way to make a lesson stick is to show that every action has a consequence. In this case, I'm thinking heart attack." Damon curled his hand into a tight fist    

My eyes watched Adam's hands clutch to his chest as he began to struggle to breathe. He fell to his knees then leaned forward and crashed to the kitchen tile. I swallowed the urge to throw up and tried to get up again. Adam needed me. I had to get to my brother.

"Damon please. . .I won't do it again!" I promised.

Damon crouched in front of me, balancing his weight on his toes. "I'm giving you one hour to get your brother an ambulance and to get yourself in that dress. I'm being very lenient, Eliza you better know how to show gratitude." He winked at me and clicked his tongue before finally granting me my freedom. I bolted to my cell phone that was on the counter and dialed 911.

I felt myself drop to the floor beside my brother's lifeless body with he phone up to my ear.

"911 what's your emergency?" A female operator asked through the line.

I stood on the porch with my bathrobe clinging tight to my body. There was a light breeze that made my body shiver. Normally I wouldn't use my black bathrobe but I had lingerie on and I had to cover up somehow. The two EMT's lifted the bed with my brother on it in to the back of their ambulance and slammed the two doors shut. It was so hard not to go with him, the guilt was eating me alive. My brother was home all but two days and was already on his way back to the hospital because of my mistake.

When the ambulance was out of my sight I headed back in the house. Even though I lived in the south it still got cold during the winter. Especially during the night. I felt the cold slowly drift off my body the further I got in to the warm house. Damon was leaning against my bedroom door frame with his arms folded over his chest. I gasped and jumped back at his sudden appearance. He wasn't there a minute ago.

"You said you would give me an hour." I reminded him in a shaky voice.

"I lied." He spoke nonchalantly as he approached me.

"Damon, I'm so sorry for not listening to you."

Damon stood in front of me in a dominating way. He untied my robe and pushed the material off my shoulders. The robe puddled at my feet revealing me in the red lingerie dress. His blue eyes scanned my and he gave me a smile of approval.

"Red looks nice on you." He complimented as he taken a few steps back as if to observe me. "Come to bed so the man who gave your brother a heart attack can fuck you." He demanded.

But he wasn't a man, he was a demon. A demon that I would have to kill somehow. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but it was at that moment I decided I would break myself free of the shackles he had on me.

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