Chapter 17: And the earth will crumble

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[Sarah POV]

Sarah crunched up the eagle feather with a big rock and looked up at the succubus that had been haunting her for many years. It was embarrassing for her to admit that sometimes she enjoyed the company of Lupy but, she never really liked girls. She was caught between finding a spell to cast her back to Hell or to let her continue with her visits. Deep down the witch felt indebted to Lupy. After all, if it wasn't for Lupy she would be burning in Hell at the moment. However, that was a different story for a different time.

"Crushed eagle's feather's and one crispy night crawler; what else do you need?" Lupy's voice pulled her from her thought.

"The blood of a pharaoh." Sarah then opened her mason jar and poured a few drops into the wooden bowl beside her, resting on a stump.

"Why must there be so many ingredients? Lupy asked as she paced back and forth.

"Why must you demons try to cast out the Devil?" Sarah spat.

"Well, obviously because I can't become the King of Hell with him barking orders like a mad hellhound." Damon's voice came up from behind Sarah.

Sarah turned and glared at the Prince of Hell.

"Oh, I'm sorry; did I ruin your night?" He asked.

"Well considering I'm in a nightgown and in the middle of some forest, yes."

The demon shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing, "Lucky for me, I don't care."

"Listen, I don't know what your deal is but I expect some kind of respect. You wouldn't be able to beat the Devil without me."

Damon's face fell flat and cold. "Don't think that doesn't piss me off."

Sarah rolled her eyes before taking the small crystal between her thumb and forefinger. "Once I throw this into the bowl it will summon him to earth."

"Well don't worry Little Witch; I won't let him eat you." Damon teased.

Sarah's hands began to tremble, her heart felt like a rabbit, thumping its back foot against her chest. She didn't want to do it, but she didn't have a choice. Lupy grabbed her shoulder and ushered her to continue. She let out a deep breath and tossed the little rock in the wooden bowl.

[Eliza POV]

I leaned against the kitchen counter and let out a little sigh. The engagement ring made my finger feel awkward from the sudden weight. Everything was moving so fast and I didn't know what to do or how to react. I knew I had to marry Damon, there was no turning back from that but I hardly knew Damon. The only thing I truly knew about him was that he fucked like a porn star.

Lucky ran to my feet, his tail tucked between his legs. He tucked himself between the counter and my feet as though he was seeking shelter. I raised an eyebrow at the scared puppy then turned to my brother, Adam who was sitting at the kitchen table, going through old family photos.

"Did you do something to my puppy?" I asked.

Adam looked up at me. "No, I'm just looking through some old pictures." Adam replied.

I just kept giving him my suspicious look.

"I'm serious; I'm not messing with your pup." Adam promised.

"If you're not bothering him, then why is he so-"

All of the sudden the ground beneath me trembled and there was a loud crack of thunder that made the sky rumble. I gripped the counter, trying to keep my balance. Glass cups began leaping out of the cavort and shattering on the floor.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"It's an earthquake; get under the table before you get knocked upside the head." Adam demanded.

An earthquake in Florida? That was very uncommon. Sometimes there were severe thunderstorms and tornadoes, and even hurricanes. Either way, it was winter in Florida; there was no reason for the sudden earthquake.

I scooped Lucky up in my arms and hid under the table with Adam. The cavorts were shaking and more glass dishes were smashing against the floor. My heart felt like it grew an extra size just so it could pound harder than usual. The old family album plopped right in front of me and I let out and involuntary gasp. My eyes scanned one of the pictures and I couldn't quite see something so I reached out and grabbed the album.

In the picture I looked to be about 7 years old, wearing a pair of blue jean shorts with a light blue tank top. My dark brunette hair was pulled back into a pony tail and Adam was tugging on it. Adam had been dressed in grey basketball shorts that stretched to his knees and a white shirt. Our old house stood behind us, but that wasn't what caught my eye. It was a small red fox that was standing at my feet, looking up at me.

The ground finally stopped shaking and everything was finally quiet again. It became so quiet that I actually began to worry. There was a very unsettling feeling in my stomach, something that I couldn't explain. Perhaps it was because Damon had warned me, but I felt like we were going through the calm before the storm.

[Lupy POV]

Bright lightning bolts flashed and the thunder cackled in the evening sky. Lupy couldn't help but smile at the sight. Soon the Devil would come and they would defeat him. All thanks to the little red headed witch, Lupy would become the Princess of Hell then not too long after that, the Queen of Hell. Pretty soon she would have so much power she wouldn't know what to do with it.

"How are you not scared?" Sarah asked as she rolled the black amethyst in her hand.

"Probably because I know you wouldn't have the guts to fail me." Lupy ran her hand through her long light blonde hair.

"I can only produce so much energy. The next spell will need a lot." Sarah reminded her.

"That's why I'm here. All sexed up and full of energy so you can channel my energy." Lupy offered. Her green eyes went to Sarah's hand that was fumbling with a black amethyst. "Is that all you need?" She asked.

Sarah gave her head a nod. "A black amethyst dipped in the blood of a snake. Yes, that is all I need."

The temperature suddenly dropped dramatically and Lupy's breath became a cloud in front of her face. That meant only one thing. The Devil had finally arrived.

"Now! Do the spell now before he kills us all!" Lupy demanded.

[Damon POV]

Damon searched the empty forest with his blue eyes and he felt something knot in his gut. As soon as he turned around he came face to face with a man that stood a few inches taller than him. Those blazing blue eyes signified that it was the devil. He felt a thick fire spread through his shoulder and he heard a loud popping. He fell to his knees and tried using his telekinesis powers only to fail.

"I award you as the Prince of Hell and this is how you repay me?" The Devil's voice was a loud boom.

Before Damon could even get a word out Lucifer held his hand out and a ring of fire emerged from the ground.

"Damon, I only wish you could understand how much you just fucked up." Lucifer chuckled darkly.

Damon's eyes flickered to Lupy and Sarah who were crouching behind a large stump. Sarah was shaking her head apologetically, which could have meant only one thing. His plan didn't work and all the torture in the pit would be Satan's newest entertainment.

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