Chapter 9: . . .There's fine print

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"there's something I want to talk about." I finally gathered my courage to speak to him.

Damon was looking through my cavorts for something. He was still shirtless but he had the decency of putting on a pair of dark blue shorts. I was intrigued with him going through my things. Come to think of it, what would a demon eat or drink?

"What could you possibly want to talk about?" He pulled out a bottle of some cheap bourbon and looked at me with an angered look. "Cheap but it will have to do."

How could he go from some lustful, sexy being to distant and cold in the bat of the eye? He removed the cap and allowed himself to have a big gulp of the amber liquid. I wasn't really sure how to react to him because he was usually gone after the sex. It was different though, he was sitting at the kitchen table, lighting up a cigarette. His dark blue eyes wondered to me, waiting for an answer.

"Well, it's about my brother. He is very healthy but he is mostly immobile. I was wondering if you could do your demon mojo and make him walk again."

Damon raised an eyebrow at me and took a drag of his cigarette. "I said I would bring your brother back to full health and I've already done that." As he spoke little clouds of smoke came out of his mouth.

"Yes but he needs physical therapy and I would like to. . .skip that." I seated myself in a chair beside him.


I scrunched my face in irritation. "So he can come home."

"Awe, is my little human lonely?" He mocked as he reached out to play with my hair.

I slapped his hand away and glared at him. "I'm serious Damon! He is lonely in the hospital."

He pointed his forefinger and middle finger at me with his cigarette tucked between them. "And you're adorable when your angry."

My anger was beginning to get the best of me. I didn't want my brother to be alone in the hospital any longer. He didn't deserve to be stuck in some wheelchair, fighting just to walk again. Adam always helped me so I was going to do everything in my power to help him. Even if it meant purchasing a one-way ticket to hell.

"Funny, you didn't act this way before when you wanted me to touch you." He reminded.

"You want me to beg?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, let's see where it gets you." He lifted his cigarette and ashed it on my wooden table. I gripped the edge of my seat and clenched my jaw. How dare that Asshole treat me like that.

"Please help my brother walk again." I lowered my tone and tried giving him my sweetest look.

He took another drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke out. "What's in it for me?" He asked, letting his shit-eating-grin take over his face.

My finger nails began to dig into the wood of the chair. Damon was quickly making his way to the top of my people-I-hate list. "I'll. . . I'll." My mind drew a complete blank.

"S-sp-spit it out, Eliza!" He barked.

"I'll suck your dick." I offered.

"You'll do it anyways. Anything else you can offer me?" He shrugged his shoulders and dipped the cherry of his cigarette into my wooden table.

"Like hell I will and would you please have some respect? This is a nice table!" I started shouting before I could stop myself.

Damon leaned back in the chair and immediately started a fit in laughter. I closed my mouth and studied him closely. What did he find so funny? Was he really getting off on humiliating me and degrading me? What a sick bastard.

"You got the Prince of Hell sitting at your table. You know, the demon that you gave full ownership of your body to and your worried about a goddamn table?" He laughed some more. "You really don't know." His laughter simmered into quiet chuckles.

"Don't know what?" I snapped.

He stood from the table and tapped my forehead with his fingertips. Again the words of our contract appeared in front of my vision. This time I saw a bunch of words. . .Our contract wasn't that full last time I read it. My eyes went to Damon who was standing beside me, watching me. It looked like he was waiting for some kind of reaction.

"Read it to me." He sounded ecstatic.

"I, Eliza Ruben, agree to the terms that I will become personal property of Damon until he wishes to relieve me of duty."

Damon interrupted me by sitting on the table so he was in my view and chuckled. "Read on."

"If Damon does not wish to relieve me of duty then I shall remain his until I die and even after I die." Tears began to swell up in my eyes. "I agree to do what ever Damon wants, including sexual favors." I looked up at him.

He was grinning from ear to ear. "oh, read on, you're getting to the good part."

"I can't the words are really small." I blinked back tears.

"Ah yes, the fine print." He snapped his fingers and the words became magnified just enough for me to see.

"I, Eliza also agree on the terms that Adam will die if I do not. . ."

Oh no, this couldn't be. I reread the line to myself three times. That slick, slimy filthy scum! Lying piece of shit demon! I looked up at him and he flashed me his white teeth. No, no, this had to be a prank. I slammed my palm down on the table and stood up, kicking the chair behind me in anger.


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