Chapter 4: A deal's a deal

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The whole day at work was very hard. I kept thinking about Damon and the deal we had. Yes, my brother was okay now, but what if Damon had something planned? He was a demon after all and not just any demon. The Prince of Hell. It didn't help that my friend Sarah wasn't with me. She worked in a nursing home while I worked as a dental assistant.

Even if we worked together, I couldn't tell her the truth. I couldn't tell anyone the truth and I hated lying. At least if she was with me she would have been able to force my focus. How was I supposed to focus on anything now that I had a demon in my life? Just the other day I was some helpless depressed girl that was worried about her brother.

The moment I entered my house I walked through the kitchen and went straight to the bathroom. I was so tired and sleep really wasn't agreeing with me the past few days. It was tossing and turning all night and I was tense from waiting for Damon to pop in my life. My last option was a nice hot bath with lavender and chamomile scented candles. If that didn't work then I was just gonna have to jump in front of a moving vehicle and put myself in a coma. That's how tired I was.

"Shit, I need a lighter." I whispered to myself as I kicked my shoes off in the bathroom and headed to the kitchen, looking for a lighter.

Lucky made a loud whimpering sound that side tracked me. I went in my room to find him hiding under my bed again. I understand he was just a puppy but I couldn't understand what made him so scared. I wasn't making any loud noise and it was a perfect day, weather wise.

"Oh come on Lucky, what are you afraid of now?" I asked as I looked through my dirty pants for a lighter.


Dammit, why couldn't I have been a smoker?

Screw the candles, the bath would have to do. I lifted my pink scrub shirt over my head and threw it in the dirty laundry basket. My thumbs hooked in the waistband of my pants and pulled them down with a gentle tug. After I ridded myself of the plain white socks I was left in a black lace bra with matching panties.

I didn't worry about walking around with such little clothing. After living alone for so long it didn't feel awkward. My hand gently pushed open the door and the scent of lavender mixed with chamomile hit my nose. The moment I entered the bathroom I noticed that the tub was already being preoccupied.

"Ah!" I jumped back from surprise. That was not how I left the bathroom. My hands immediately tried covering up my chest even though I still had my bra on.

"Damon!" I spat in anger.

He was in the bathtub completely naked with white suds all over him. There were little dark chest hairs resting on his chest from the weight of the water. The candles in the bathroom were lit and the light was off so from the outside it almost looked like a romantic setting. The only thing that ruined it was the fact that there was a demon sitting in my bathtub, relaxing as though this was his house. A very hot, wet demon that was making a spark ignite between my legs.

"What are you doing in the bathtub?"

All the places he could have popped in and he had to chose the bathtub.

"What are you doing out of the bathtub?" He reciprocated.

I grabbed a white towel off the shelf over the toilet and wrapped it around me. "I asked you first."

He inhaled the scent of the candles and ran his hands through his thick hair, his muscles rippling at the movement. "This is supposed to be relaxing but I don't see how. Maybe I can relax a bit if you join me." He gave off this sadistic smirk.

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