Chapter 15: Engagement from hell

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"Just open the door, Eliza. I promise there's not a body in there."

Funny to say, Damon's words didn't comfort me at all. I learned the hard way that Damon knew how to manipulate his way with words. For instance, maybe there isn't a body in my house. It could have just been a head or arm. He was a demon that was doing nothing but fucking up my life, so why should I have trusted him?

I twisted the door handle and opened the door slowly. My heart beat was echoing in my eardrums and it felt like it was hard to breathe. The fact that I didn't know what was waiting for me made my feet glue to the wooden porch. Whether there was a body or crown, I didn't want to see it. Damon entered my vision, smirking at my hesitation.

"Oh my, my, my human is just reeking of fear." He leaned down so his face was mere inches from mine. "You know, you humans always taste better when your full of fear." He started making a slurping sound.

I rolled my eyes in irritation and pushed passed him. My shoulder rammed into the door so it would slam open. Losing my job already had me mad enough as is. I may have been "his" but that didn't give him a right to go and flip my life around. He did it because he knew he could get away with it.

All my fear was drawn out by my irritation. If I was going to be stuck with Damon for the rest of my life then the least he could do was stay away as much as possible. I cautiously stepped in the kitchen but was blind-sided. Adam was sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal in his hands. He grabbed the spoon and popped it in his mouth, crunching away at the cereal.

"Adam?" I whispered.

He looked up at me with his dark brown eyes wide and alert. I turned to Damon, confused. Last time Damon and Adam were in the same room it ended with Adam almost dying. The powerful demon placed his hand on my lower back and gave me a gentle push. Adam put his bowl on the table and stood up with a full bloom smile on his face.

"Hey, you found her." Adam was smiling at Damon.

"See, I told you I would bring her back." He slid his hand down my back, then around my waist.

"What-" I couldn't even think of a proper question.

"Adam was worried about you when you stormed out because of our little fight." Damon sent me a wink.

"Yeah, you need to be careful, driving while upset could get you in a bad accident." Adam put his bowl in the sink and started washing it.

"Yes, well of course with a fight comes the making up part." I walked by Adam and opened my bedroom door. Damon followed me in and kicked the door shut.

"Adam doesn't remember having a heart attack. The only thing he knows is that you and I are together." Damon explained.

I crashed into Damon's chest and wrapped my arms around his neck. He may have been the Prince of Hell but I felt like I owed him. That must have been the present he was talking about. I leaned my head on his chest and inhaled his scent of smoked wood.

"Thank you." I whispered.

Damon grabbed my arms and stepped out of my warming hug. For a second I forgot he was a demon with no heart. His blue eyes scanned me and he kept his face straight. There was no smirk or smug look on his face.

"Don't get used to it. I only did it so I wouldn't have to hear you whine." Damon replied coldly. "In case you haven't caught on yet. . ." He dug his hand in his pocket and pulled out a small square box.

No. Not already.

"Quid Pro Quo." He opened the box and in it was a stunning princess cut engagement ring.

Little diamonds traced the outer line of the big diamond in the middle. The band was silver and split off into two at the top almost making an 8 shape. It had to have been at least a 6,000 thousand dollar ring. My heart sunk into my stomach and for a second a glitch of happiness came to me. Then I remembered it was a demon that I was marrying.

"So, Eliza, will you marry me?" He asked as he plucked the ring from its box and held it between his thumb and forefinger.

That was my que to say yes willingly. I opened my mouth to speak but the words got caught in my throat. Damon was standing in front of me, waiting for my answer but for some reason I couldn't give it to him. Everything became frozen and all I could do was stand, gaping at him, maybe it was the size of the ring. It was overwhelming just to look at.

"Eliza, I'm sure this is overwhelming for you but you have nothing to worry about." He stepped forward and placed his free hand on my lower back as if to comfort me.

"Pretty soon I will be the next Lucifer and you will have whatever you desire. I can be very generous and treat you the way you deserve. All you have to do is say yes."

In that instant I was drinking from the palm of his hand.

"Yes, I will marry you." I forced the words out.

Damon's lips stretched into a pleasing smile.

"Good choice." He grabbed my hand and I started to tremble.

This was happening so fast and I was ready to become. . .What would I become? Mrs. Lucifer? The Queen of Hell? Would my fiancé force me to become a demon? That was when my anxiety reached up to the sky. It felt like a brick was on my chest and for a second I thought I couldn't breathe.

"Eliza." My name sounded so sweet coming off his tongue. "Don't have a heart attack. You will be of no use to me dead." He slid the ring on my finger and I felt a part of me fall to my doom. "if it makes you feel better you did just save your brother's life."

"Of course I did." I murmured.

"Listen to me." Damon seated himself on the edge of my bed. "Something big is about to happen in Hell and the effects will travel to earth." Damon grabbed me by the waist of my pants and tugged me closer to him.

"You mean like an apocalypse?" I asked.

"I guess you can say that. My point is I want you to stay inside, don't go anywhere." He pulled on the waistline of my pants.

I climbed on his lap and straddled his waist. "What's going to happen?"

He ran his warm hands through my hair and planted a light kiss on my lips. "Don't worry about it. Let your soon-to-be husband deal with it. Until then. . ." He lifted my shirt over my head and ran his hands possessively over my body. "Let's celebrate our new engagement."

I leaned down and feathered my lips on top of him. He used one of his hands to grab a handful of my hair as he inserted his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss. When I felt his other hand travel up my back, a spark flared between my legs. So maybe a secret part of me enjoyed this a little too much.

[Lupy POV]

Lupy tried to sneak away from the Devil but that was impossible. He never slept. As soon as he turned his back she zipped up her black skirt and pulled her black tank top over her head. She closed her eyes and felt herself begin to dissipate. An image of a certain witch came to her mind and when she opened her eyes she was at her destination.

"Hello Sarah, long time, no talk."

The red head jumped and turned away from the kitchen sink. Her emerald green eyes widened quickly but sunk down when she realized who was in her small house.

"Lupy, what are you doing in my house?" The witch spat.

"I have a job for you, my little witch." She smiled as she placed a hand on her hip.

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