Chapter 18: Just when you thought you knew it all

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[Lupy POV]

Lupy's heightened senses could hear Damon's bones cracking and breaking. She looked at Sarah and glared daggers at her. Why wasn't she doing the spell? The girl was just crouching beside Lupy, shaking her head. The amount of anger Lupy felt was indescribable. If Lucifer won then he would either toss her in the pit or make her his own personal pet. That couldn't happen, Lupy refused to go through it.

"What are you doing? Do the damn spell, you stupid Witch!" Lupy spat between clenched teeth.

"I can't! He's in the ring of fire. It's a protection spell; he could reflect it, then I would be the one disappearing!" Sarah snapped.

"Then figure something out or the Devil will be eating your organs at a feast!" Lupy warned.

[Eliza POV]

"A tornado warning has been issued from 8pm until 11 am. We haven't seen weather like this in centuries." The weather man informed before turning to the lady, sitting beside him. " I have never seen a thunderstorm last so long before, especially in Florida; they usually last about 15 minutes then go away."

"I agree with you Tom, this weather lately has been horrible. You got the thunderstorms and tornadoes here, and then there was a major hurricane and that earthquake." The lady replied.

I rolled my eyes and clicked the T.V off. Adam was sitting on the couch, still looking through all the old photos. He looked up from the photo album and gave me a questionable look.

"What?" He asked.

"It's nothing." I shook my head.

A part of me really wanted to ask Adam about the fox that appeared in a couple of photos but I became hesitant. There was a chance he had forgotten about the fox too. I found it strange that the fox was only in the pictures that I was in. Of course I couldn't tell my brother that I thought the fox was a demon, he would think I was crazy. Plus I wasn't quite sure if Damon would hurt Adam again if I explained everything to him.

"What is it, Eliza?" Adam asked, a bit more irritated.

"I had a question, but I forgot." I lied.

"What is it?" Adam repeated in a loud tone.

"I forgot." I lied again.

Adam finally just huffed out some air and flipped the page of the photo album. A smile stretched across his face as he held up the photo album. His forefinger was pointing at some picture at the top. I really wasn't paying much attention to it. I had too much going on in my mind to reminisce my childhood.

"This one was always my favorite picture of you."

My eyes went to the picture and every thought I had disappeared.

Adam was pointing at a picture of me sleeping in a small twin bed. My hair was fanned out against the white pillow under my head. I had been sleeping with my arms stretched out and between them was the red fox again. Its eyes were looking up at the camera with a shade of blood red.

"What's with all the foxes in the photos? I asked before I could even stop myself.

"How could you not remember Damon?" Adam asked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"He was some fox that followed you home when you were like 7 and he always hung around. Some nights he would sneak in our room through the window and sleep in bed with you."

What the fuck? Talk about creepy.

"How did we come up with that name?" I asked as I scanned the picture again.

"Not 'we'; it was you that came up with the name. You just told us that was his name, so that's what we called him."

I chewed on my bottom lip nervously. "That's weird."

"No; what I find weird is that you got a fiancé named Damon."

All I could do was lift my eyebrows at Adam and bite my lip even more. I wanted to tell Adam the truth and tell him that I didn't want to marry Damon. It would have been relieving to say what was going through my mind. Even to just cry and tell someone that a demon was making me his bride, it would have been nice. Unfortunately I couldn't tell a soul. I was on a mission that only I could complete.

[Damon POV]

Damon pushed against the invisible force that was keeping him down and used his telekinetic powers to lash out towards the Devil. The flesh of the Devil ripped across his chest and blood began pouring down his chest like a waterfall. The Devil's bright blue eyes looked down at the injury then looked back at Damon.

"Is that all you got?" The Devil asked in a bland voice.

Damon didn't focus on talking; he needed to kill the Devil before the devil killed him. He dug his feet into the earth and pushed just a little bit harder. There was a loud crack and he felt his left shoulder blade pull out of place but he ignored it. If worst came to worst; he could find a different skin suit, but that was the least of his worries. He managed to take a step forward and felt his right leg twist inward.

"I walk the earth and the weather changes! That just proves what kind of power I hold. How much do you hold you pathetic little demon?" the Devil snapped.

"A hell of a lot more than you think." Damon gathered all of his power into his hands before curling them into fists.

The Devil stepped forward and Damon dropped to his knees. He had one shot to break the spell and he sure in hell wasn't going to waste it. With every ounce of strength he had, he pounded his fists into the ground in front of him. A crack of thunder struck the ground in front of him. The ground beneath him shifted and a crack ran through the ring of fire. Damon looked up and watched as a dark stone go flying through the air.

As soon as the stone landed on the ground, a cloud of smoke erupted from the ground. Sarah was now standing up, chanting some spell in Greek. She was holding one hand over Lupy's shoulder and the other hand was palm up with a light blue glowing orb. Lupy was looking like she was in pain and her body was trembling.

The Devil turned to the two girls and began to stalk towards them. Damon wouldn't have anyone harm the two brave girls. Even if one was just some witch. He reached out and lashed at the Devil yet again. The devil stopped and looked down at Damon.

"You tend to forget that all those souls you collected are all mine." He grabbed Damon by the collar of his shirt and fisted his free hand. "You don't have a single soul."

"No, but I have something better." He held out his hand and the dark stone came to his palm. "I have your throne!" Damon gripped the stone and smashed it in the Devil's face.

A bright light erupted from the Devil and the earth beneath him began to shake. Then everything went dark.

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