Chapter 5: Goodbye sweet innocence pt1

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Sunday mornings were when most people got up and went to church. Confess your sins, say a few hail mary's, and your forgiven. Not me though, I was standing in front of my body mirror that was propped up against the wall. As crazy as it sounded I felt too ashamed of myself. It was one thing to have sex before marriage and go confess, then pray, but to have sex with a demon. . .That was a whole new level of fucked up. Then to consider that you might actually enjoy it; talk about hitching the first train to hell.

I tucked my dark hair behind my left ear and scanned myself in the mirror with my hazel eyes. Today wasn't anything special so I decided to settle on a pair of dark blue jeans and a white tank top. Work wasn't until the afternoon and all I had to do was laundry; no need to dress up. My hazel eyes shifted to the queen size bed behind me, covered in all white pillows and a white duvet cover. Lucky popped out, the sudden color disrupting the white.

"Well Lucky, I think this is good, don't you?" I asked as I put on a smile and turned to the puppy.

Lucky barked before he jumped off the bed and crawled under it again. I looked at myself in the mirror. "Oh, come on, I can't look that bad."

If my brother was here he would have thought I was crazy for talking to my puppy.

A loud slamming sound made me jump and stare at my bedroom door. What ever it was, sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. There were footsteps echoing across the floor then there was glass clinging together. My hands reached for the wooden baseball bat and slowly approached the door. A girl needed protection, especially from who ever was in my kitchen.

I stepped on my toes, trying to stay as silent as possible. My kitchen lights were on and I could see that someone was buried in my fridge. I couldn't tell who it was but they certainly had a nice ass. My hands tightened around the bat as I stepped up to the stranger. One more step. . .and it was swing, batter, swing!

"If I were you, I would put that bat down." Damon's voice made me freeze in mid-swing.

"Damon?" I asked lowering the bat.

Damon stood up and shut the fridge. "The one and only." He turned around with a smirk planted on his face.

He was dressed in a nice black suit with a white button up shirt and a black tie with white polka dots. I didn't expect to see a demon dressed like that in my house. Then again, I didn't expect to see the demon at all. The Prince of Hell standing in my kitchen put my whole "demons don't exist" theory to rest.

"Eliza, put the damn bat down, the thing will be of no use against me." He chuckled as he began taking off his jacket.

I was so lost in gawking at him that I completely forget about the bat. At least I wasn't drooling over myself. I propped the bat against the wall and stepped away from it. "What are you doing?" I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Damon taking off his tie.

"I'm taking my tie off. That's what people do when they have sex." He was acting like we were talking about a stroll in the park.

My eyes went to his hands that were beginning to unbutton his shirt, working from the top to the bottom. This man was sex on legs.

"I-wh-sex?" I asked nervously. "I mean right here?"

"No, right here." He slapped the kitchen table and the whole floor nearly trembled.

"I-now?" I couldn't even form words at the sight he was offering.

"Stop asking questions." He reached out and grabbed me by the arm before tugging me closer to him.

"But I-"

He picked me up by the waist and tossed me on the table with little effort. "Less talking, more sex!" His dark blue eyes flashed a blood red color as he lifted my tank top over my head and crashed his lips on mine.

If this was anyone else I would be kicking, screaming, and thrashing but I didn't want to fight. I liked feeling his tongue swirling around mine and his hands scorching my flesh. The sensation from it all was making my panties soak. I felt his hands pop open the buttons from my jeans and drag the zipper down. My body was getting hotter and my heart tried hammering it's way out of my rib cage.

I rolled my hips, trying to gain any friction. Damon wrenched my legs open and pressed his clothed erection against my thighs. Could these clothes come off any slower? I reached down and went after his belt but he grabbed my wrists. What the hell did this man want from me? Why wasn't he allowing me to undress him?

"Someone's here." He pulled away from me.

I opened my mouth to ask how he knew that but was interrupted by a loud knocking. Shit! Damon let out an angry growl and stepped back so I could fetch my tank top. Who ever was knocking was very brave and stupid. The look on Damon's face was enough to freeze me with fear.

"Eliza!" Sarah's voice came through the walls as the front door squeaked open.

I looked up at Damon and gave him my best please-don't-kill-my-friend look.

"Eliza why aren't you-oh!" Sarah quickly jumped back at the sight before her. "Sorry to interrupt your little moment but Adam called." She tucked her hands in her black skinny jean pockets and scrunched her shoulder's making her light blue sleeve shirt stick out.

I perked at her statement. "What did he say?"

"He just finished a session of physical therapy and wanted us to stop by." Her green eyes flickered to Damon.

"Well we were in the middle of something, maybe in a little bit she will be happy to see him." Damon spoke up.

"I believe I was talking to Eliza, not the creepy stalker man." Sarah snapped.

If only she knew who she was talking to. My eyes ran to Damon, hoping to catch him before he killed her. He didn't move at all. The only thing he did was smile and place one of his hands on my upper back. To my dismay he laughed. Like ha ha, funny. He leaned down close enough so I could feel his breath tickle my earlobe.

"You have exactly 10 seconds to get rid of her before I peel her spine from her back." I felt something sharp and pointy trail down my spine. "Like a goddamn cheese stick."

I jumped and immediately went to Sarah. Every fiber in my being was telling me that he would do it.

"Hey, tell you what, why don't you go now and I'll catch up." I wrapped my arm around her and walked her to the front door.

"You want me to see him alone?" She asked as she stopped in front of the door. "It's not because of that man is it?" She lowered her voice to a whisper.

"No, I just have some things to do. Tell Adam I'm on my way, bye. Drive safe." I opened the front door, trying to rush her out as politely as possible.

"Okay, remember make him wrap it before he taps it." She said out loud before exiting the house.

I closed the door and made sure it was locked. A quiet sigh slipped from my lips as I headed to the kitchen. Back to having sex with Damon. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to.

The next chapter I post will definitely be R rated so if you get offended by smut I wouldn't suggest reading it. Please leave a comment telling me what you think. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

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