Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I was lying on the bed glaring at the ceiling. I just argued with Wayne on the phone. It's been a month already and I haven't seen him. I was real depressed he said he was coming home this weekend. He just called to let me know he couldn't come. I was off this weekend and had something planned for the two of us.

He was damn right 'bout his mother. When I got home from work the next Monday. Aunt Diane told me she came over to the house she wanted to have a word with me. I had been avoiding her and just last week on one of my days off. She paid me a visit.

We were sitting across from each other and just staring at each other.

I broke the silence and pointed to the tray, "would like some tea?"

"Yes please." she with a poise and stuckupness. 

I poured her and myself some tea. I hate tea and it was hot outside. She said she'll pour her own sugar.

She stirred her cup, took the spoon out and took a sip of her tea. She cleared her throat a bit too loudly for my liking.

"So Alicia I've hearing things about you and my son Wayne." She took another sip of her tea.

"It depends on what you heard?" I said.

"That the two of you are in a relationship. Is it true?"

I nodded, "yes, it's true. Wayne and I are in a relationship."

She took a sip of her tea again and sighed. She looked out of window for a while but then looked at me.

"Alicia I come from a family with high..." I tuned out cos she was talking bull too me. Wayne had told me it's a lie. He had done some investigating when he was younger and found it out it his mother stories about her family were lies.

"...Wayne had gone to study for a degree in criminology. He got top marks in his class. He's now gone for training to become a detective. With the potential he's got he go to higher places. I just feel if he's involved with you. You are going spoil his chances."

I smiled at her, "I'm sorry if you feel that way but I'm also educated. I passed with high marks in high school. I went to study at a technical college. The diplomas that I have are considered very high in training. That's why I so easily got the job at the mines. I've noticed they want me working more complex machinery. The only thing stopping them is my lack of work experience. Even with the reputation I have with law enforcement. They still want me. I can at any given moment start studying for a degree in mechanical engineering. If don't believe me I have the papers and you can go ask anyone working on the mines."

She was glaring at me. I even noticed that I wasn't talking with my usual slang. It may not look it but I'm educated bitch.

"Okay well that is true about you and good for you. There is however your family's history. Even with what is currently happening now. Your parents, your uncle. Now my son is going to have to sit in an interview, with senior officers. They going to do a background check on him. When they found about the two of you. Your family is going to come up. That can be a serious thing against my son."

I nodded, "yes I can understand where you coming from and your concern. I unfortunately cannot choose who or what my family is. I am not in contact with my uncle. I haven't been in years. Wayne however knew that when he got involved with me and he doesn't have any issue with it. I know of people whose families are top kings in the crime world but they got out. They're even office. Like you've just said about your family. That's going to count in his favour. They can look into my background history. I've only been locked up for public intoxication."

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